
Torrington Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Torrington Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Torrington Addiction Treatment Resources

Torrington, Connecticut, is recovering from the wave of overdose deaths related to heroin that began in 2013. People are likely to use opioids and synthetic substances, and prescription abuse is widespread. According to the latest available statistics, 2019 resulted in 1,196 overdose deaths.

Often, people are living with hidden substance use disorder because they’re afraid of the stigma of entering rehab. It is important not to let drug dependency hinder your life. Recovery is available. Understanding the effects of alcohol and drugs on the body is helpful in taking that first step toward recovery for you or your loved one. It is great to get back up and experience life without reliance on drugs or alcohol.

In 2019, 941 individuals in Torrington sought treatment for substance abuse. 1,623 of those were for Mental Health disorders only, while 196 were for Substance Abuse. This totaled to 2,760 who sought help. During admission into treatment centers throughout Connecticut, individuals reported their substance of choice:

  • Alcohol: 28,987
  • Heroin/other opioids: 29,416
  • Marijuana/Hashish/THC: 10,284

Every year, residents in Torrington, Connecticut, die from drug overdoses. In 2019, the statistics are as follows:

  • Deaths: 13
  • Deaths per 10,000 Residents: 3.8

Substance use disorder is dangerous and life-threatening. It is important that you or your loved one obtain treatment. Treatment options are available so that you can again function freely in society.

Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol dependency is deadly. Nearly 88,000 people in America die annually from incidents related to alcohol. Experts consider alcohol use disorder, or AUD, a brain disease that makes individuals lose control when it comes to alcohol consumption. Individuals have a compulsive desire for alcohol and can have very bad mood swings when not using the substance for an extended period.

How do you know if you have AUD? If you answer “yes” to any of the questions listed below, then you may have AUD.

  • Do you get extremely moody when you don’t have a drink?
  • Do you feel like you can’t control the urge to drink?
  • Do you feel like you don’t have a handle on how much you need to drink?

If you or your loved ones are experiencing any of these types of symptoms, it is very important to get properly diagnosed by a medical professional.

Chemical changes inside the brain make it hard to quit drinking alcohol. It is not a matter of sheer willpower to stop drinking alcohol; you need to have the assistance of medical professionals to help you stop drinking. This is especially true if you have been drinking alcoholic beverages for long periods.

Normally, people with alcohol dependency will start to feel or experience withdrawal symptoms 6 to 24 hours from the last time they had a drink. This may even occur while they still have a significant portion of alcohol in the blood. The withdrawal symptoms include tremors, anxiety, nausea, hallucinations, seizures and possibly heart attacks.

Alcohol Detox Process

Medical professionals can help ease the pain of withdrawal symptoms. They may give you certain types of medications to make the withdrawal process much easier on the body. Moreover, medical professionals will monitor your vital signs inside the residential center to make sure there are no ill side effects.

If you or your loved one needs treatment, then you want to get into a detox center. The detox center can take anywhere from two to four weeks to help your body gradually decrease the dependency on alcohol.

When you visit a medical professional for an initial diagnosis, they will ask you certain questions. The answers to the questions will contribute to your specific treatment. Medical professionals have a list of questions to help them with a diagnosis. A few of the questions a physician may ask you are:

  • How long have you been drinking?
  • Do you try to escape from friends and family so that you can drink alone?
  • Do you have a constant craving for alcohol?
  • Have you tried drinking more in order to get that first-time buzz?
  • How old were you when you first started drinking alcohol?

If you are a man and you have had more than 4 drinks in a day or 14 drinks in a week, then you are considered a heavy or binge drinker. If you are a woman and you have had more than 3 drinks in a day or 14 drinks in a week, then you are also considered a heavy or binge drinker.

Substance Use Disorder

Just like AUD, drugs can affect the brain and the motor functions of the body. At first, a close companion may have introduced you to the drug. You may have had some sort of curiosity about the drug and decided to try a new experience. The initial high was exhilarating, and you want to experience that rush again.

The downside is that with continuous use, the chemical compounds that make up the drug will eventually change the chemistry of your brain, and functional memory will diminish. Abandonment of the drug becomes harder to accomplish, and a chemical dependency ensues. Substance use disorder can eventually take a bite out of your finances. It will make your relationships with friends and family difficult. You could even encounter confrontations with law enforcement. These consequences can happen even if you were initially prescribed the drug you are now misusing.

Levels of Care

The first step in treatment is often medical detox. At a detox center, a medical professional will take your vital signs and do your blood work. They will ask you medical questions about your health history. Afterward, medical personnel will check you into the facility, and you will be monitored around the clock. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Nurses will monitor your blood pressure, temperature and heart rate. During treatment, you will receive medications so that you can gradually ease off your dependency upon alcohol or drugs. One medication that you can receive is disulfiram. This drug will make you sick if you drink alcohol. Acamprosate eases your alcoholic cravings. Naltrexone blocks that high you get while drinking alcoholic beverages. Medication treatment can last up to a year.

Treatment services can either be at an inpatient or outpatient facility. Inpatient services are very good during the initial phase of recovery since they offer 24-hour care. However, this type of treatment does cost more money than outpatient treatment.

Physicians recommend outpatient services if you have a good support system at home and you have not been using alcohol or drugs for a very long time. If that is not the case, then medical professionals usually recommend inpatient treatment.

Once you enter an inpatient treatment program, you may want to enter a residential rehabilitation center. This program normally lasts one to three months. The program is for those who need more time to become sober and healthy.

As an alternative to traditional residential services or outpatient services, you can do an intensive outpatient treatment program. In this instance, you will visit the hospital for day treatment and then return home at night. This is a good option since the outpatient intensive treatment program is more pervasive than what you would normally receive with standard outpatient services.

Therapeutic Treatment

After you have completed the first stage of treatment, you will receive counseling from a licensed social worker or a clinical psychologist. A counselor will determine what triggers make you want to drink or use drugs. You will learn other ways to handle the stress in your life.

As treatment progresses, you will establish goals and learn how to obtain them. You will also get assistance on how to change behaviors that make you want to drink or use drugs on a constant basis. Therapy sessions can also help you deal with other factors that contribute to substance use disorder. You may have battles with anxiety or depression that make you turn to alcohol or drug dependency. Clinical psychologists are trained to work with other mental health-related issues that work in combination with substance use disorder.

Group Therapy Sessions

Once you finish detox and the residential program, then you want to enroll in group therapy sessions. Group therapy sessions last for one year. You are much more likely to stay sober when you complete group therapy sessions. Two major programs that are used in group therapy sessions are Alcoholics Anonymous and SMART Recovery.

You also have the option of going to a halfway house. Peers will hold you accountable for your sobriety. This is a smart way to prevent future relapses.

Green Mountain Treatment Center

Participate in therapeutic recovery in the secluded White Mountains of Effingham, New Hampshire. Your licensed clinician will examine the root causes of your condition while teaching you the 12-step program. A host of professionals like case managers, medical personnel and support staff will facilitate your program for a speedy recovery. At Green Mountain Treatment Center, you’ll take part in client mentorship as you find the strength to stay on the path to sobriety.

We provide medical detoxification services with medically trained personnel 24 hours per day. Once your initial detox is completed, we offer evidence-based clinical therapies in conjunction with the 12-step program to give you the additional tools needed to stay on the path to recovery and to lessen the likelihood of a relapse.

You can enjoy group activities, the fitness center, yoga and regular group recreational outings. An experienced chef will prepare your meals.

We believe in the holistic approach to self-improvement. We place a strong emphasis on the recovery of the whole person — body, mind and soul. We are in-network with major insurance carriers.

New Freedom Academy

Nestled in Canterbury, New Hampshire, New Freedom Academy offers privacy on a 17-acre wooded estate. The picturesque environment is great for therapeutic addiction recovery. We pride ourselves on having a low patient-to-clinician ratio. There are only 20 beds available for residential treatment at a time to ensure quality care.

Therapists are trained in psychotherapeutic support. Under the guidance of a licensed clinician, you will receive personalized therapy, grief counseling and treatment for cognitive and mental disorders. You will never be alone. The staff is on-call 24 hours per day.

Participate in holistic recovery for your entire being. We offer separate living facilities for men and women, meditation, workshops and private group outings for bowling and mini golf. It is our desire that you fully recover and return to the normal affairs of life.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.