
Middletown Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Middletown Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Middletown Addiction Treatment Resources

Middletown is a mid-sized city situated along the Connecticut River. It offers a number of amenities for those who are looking to live in a peaceful environment outside of the bustling city. Middletown is also home to the Wesleyan University, a prestigious liberal art college, as well as museums, restaurants, state parks and other historic attractions.

Despite its draws, Middletown has its fair share of alcohol and drug use. In 2019, 863 people were admitted for substance abuse disorder treatment. Recent news accounts show the effect that drug distribution and substance use disorder are having on the city.

The challenges faced in battling drug use and distribution are not limited to Middletown but are seen throughout Connecticut. Substance use disorders affect people from every walk of life, background and race in Connecticut. A report published by the Connecticut Department of Health and Addiction Services showed that of 104,166 people treated by the DMHAS in 2019, which also includes those with Mental Health disorders, 59% who received treatment were male, and 41% were female.

According to the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, heroin and opioids account for more than 49% of substance use rehab admissions in Connecticut. This marks a change in the state. Up until recently, alcohol was reported as the primary drug for rehab admissions in Connecticut.

If you or someone you love is currently battling with substance use disorder, it can feel like the situation is hopeless. However, the reality paints a far brighter picture. Middletown, Connecticut, is home to countless individuals who at one time battled substance use disorder and are now living a life free of drugs and alcohol. The same hope is open to you. First, it’s important to understand what substance use disorder is and how it might be affecting you.

What Is Substance Use Disorder?

If the term “substance use disorder” is new to you, it is because you have likely heard it called drug addiction or alcohol addiction. Substance use disorder is a disease. Like other diseases, substance use disorder has identifiable symptoms.

Substance use disorder affects your brain, impacting your behavior and your ability to control the use of the offending substance, be it legal or illegal. When a person is battling addiction, they may continue to use the drug even though they know that it is harming them and those around them.

For many people, substance use disorder begins by experimenting with recreational drugs. They may be in social settings or by themselves, indulging in their curiosity about alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs. Some people, especially those battling with opioid addictions, started because they were given prescription medications, either from their physician or from a friend or relative who had access to the drugs.

The risk of addiction and the speed with which a person becomes addicted to a drug will vary based on the drug and other factors. Part of the reason why the prescription drug epidemic has had such an impact on society is because opioid painkillers can cause people to become addicted more quickly than other substances.

With the passing of time, a person battling substance use disorder will develop a tolerance for the substance they are using. They will find themselves needing more of the substance at higher concentrations and with greater frequency in order to get the same sensation they received in the past. This increased use of drugs or alcohol will lead to intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms when a person cannot get a hold of the substance.

New Freedom Academy

The size of the rehab facility could impact the treatment you receive and how you recover. There is substantial evidence showing the benefits of a low client-to-clinician ratio when it comes to receiving medical care.

New Freedom Academy, located in Canterbury, New Hampshire, is built on this premise. It sits on 17 acres of beautiful wooded land. It’s secluded from major city centers and designed to be a primary residential medication-assisted addiction treatment clinic.

One of the standout features of this facility is its low client-to-clinician ratio. The facility only has 20 beds, so this allows for more one-on-one patient and clinician interaction. Its small size means that if you visit this clinic, you have more individualized care.

One of the benefits of New Freedom Academy is that although this campus is small, it forms part of the larger Granite Recovery Centers. This means that the small facility has the same resources one would find in a larger facility.

At New Freedom Academy, you will benefit from clinical psychotherapeutic support that includes:

  • One-on-one individual therapy
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Grief and loss therapy
  • Process groups

New Freedom Academy takes a holistic approach to care. Our belief is that in order for a person to get better, their spirit, their body and their mind must be allowed to heal. This is why we include physical exercise, yoga and meditation as part of the rehabilitation process.

This is a luxurious facility that offers gender-separate living accommodations. Highly trained staff are on-site 24 hours a day, and delicious meals are prepared by chefs who understand nutrition. Workshops and educational programs along with entertainment like mini-golf, bowling and paintball are part of what this recovery facility offers.

Why Should I Get Help for My Substance Use Disorder?

You may have heard of the idea of quitting a substance cold turkey. This means to completely stop using an addictive substance. There is no tapering off of the substance, and there is no medication to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal.

It can seem attractive to be able to say that you kicked drugs or alcohol on your own. However, there are a number of more safe and effective methods. Medical detox and medical supervision can help a person dealing with drug or alcohol addiction to get on the road to recovery with a reduced chance of relapse.

Going through detox on your own can be dangerous, if not fatal. Some of the common side effects of trying to quit cold turkey include:

  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Headaches
  • Cravings
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Pain

It is not uncommon for a person going through the detox phase of recovery to experience fevers, an irregular heartbeat, seizures, hallucinations, and high blood pressure.

In addition to the physical effects of going cold turkey, your chances of relapsing into substance abuse and addiction increase. When you get professional help for your substance use disorder, you have the emotional support of people who want to help you succeed. This is vital especially during the first few days of detox and recovery.

There are detox and recovery programs designed for every lifestyle:

  • Outpatient: Outpatient treatment allows you to receive care while still caring for your family responsibilities and while still going to work and living a relatively normal life. Outpatient clinics are not as intensive as inpatient treatment. They focus primarily on helping you learn about substance use disorder and providing therapeutic care to help you avoid relapse.
  • Short-term inpatient treatment: This option offers you a more intense residential treatment. These short-term treatment programs last for between 28 and 30 days. During treatment, you are living in an environment where you do not have access to any addictive substance. You receive intensive medical and psychological care, and you are surrounded by people who want to help you get better. You may be referred to an outpatient program once the short-term inpatient treatment is complete.
  • Long-term inpatient treatment: This is the most intensive form of substance use disorder treatment available. You will be monitored and assisted by professionals using a variety of techniques to help you identify the reason for your substance use and give you the skills needed to go back to life without relying on addictive substance.

Finding Help Near Middleton, CT

It can be difficult for a person to accept that they need help. Once they do, the last thing they want is to feel ashamed or embarrassed. You deserve to be able to go through the rehab and recovery process in a dignified way. Green Mountain Treatment Center has been created with that goal in mind.

Green Mountain Treatment Center is located in New Hampshire. The property has been designed in a way to give you fantastic views of the White Mountains and the Lakes Region. Everything about the facility has been designed with your individual needs in mind. This is a facility that only caters to adults. While the program accepts both men and women, they are housed and treated separately.

Green Mountain Treatment Center uses a 12-step curriculum based on therapies that have been proven to work. The goal is not to simply remove the offending substance from your body. Instead, the goal is to help you look inward and understand the emotional, environmental and social factors that have played a role in your substance use disorder. Once these are identified, steps can be taken to help you go on to lasting recovery. Masters-level and licensed clinicians make up the Green Mountain Treatment Center team. You will be paired with other clients and mentors to walk you through every step of the program.

When you stay at Green Mountain Treatment Center, you will benefit from:

  • Evidence-based clinical treatment
  • Meditation and yoga
  • An on-site gym
  • Nutritious meals prepared by a chef
  • Transportation as needed
  • On-campus medical detox as needed (Note: Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.)

While substance use disorder is a reality for many people, a life in recovery is a possibility for all. With the proper care and treatment, a life free of drug and alcohol addiction is possible.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.