
Milford Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Milford Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Milford Addiction Treatment Resources

Alcohol abuse and drug addiction are extremely prevalent issues in modern society, with millions of Americans dealing with the severe effects of substance abuse. It is known that substance abuse can cause severe damage to a person’s body as well as their mental and emotional health by damaging their psyche and disrupting their relationships with others.

Large cities and small towns alike struggle with substance abuse issues that lead to permanent addiction and harm. Large neighboring cities like Boston are rife with prevalent drug sources, and they report the use of numerous different illegal substances such as cocaine, heroin, fentanyl and more. In more rural areas, drug abuse is still just as prevalent but for different reasons. As people find themselves without other forms of recreation, they might take to illicit drug use.

Unfortunately, those who struggle with substance abuse of one form or another typically find themselves feeling extremely isolated and uncomfortable sharing their trials and seeking treatment. It is important to address the epidemic and show compassion to those who have fallen prey to this harmful lifestyle. Rehabilitation centers have become much more widespread, offering solutions and opportunities for those who need a chance to get back on their feet.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Statistics in Milford

Substance abuse is prevalent in America, and Connecticut is no different. Studies have shown that heroin and other opioids are the most commonly used drugs in the state of Connecticut for those admitted to hospitals and treatment centers.

Annually, Connecticut battles against roughly 1,000 overdose deaths, a number which is nearly double the national average per 100,000 individuals. This is alarming and certainly preventable with intervention and treatment.

What’s even worse is that pregnant women in the state of Connecticut are abusing or addicted to drugs at a significantly higher rate than those in other states. This is leading to birth defects and prenatal complications as babies in utero become addicted to drugs and begin to experience withdrawal and overdose symptoms.

If you or a loved one in Milford, Connecticut, needs help overcoming an addiction, a rehab center can give you a new start.

Types of Rehab

Rehab as a general practice is a facility that is designed to separate a substance user from the environment that encourages abuse. Because people can find themselves trapped within a routine or mixed up with crowds that encourage them to use, it is vital to remove them from those situations. In a rehab facility, individuals find the opportunity to curtail their abuse and also separate themselves from the temptation offered by their lifestyle. Not all types of rehab are the same, and some of them offer different benefits depending on the individual’s needs. The biggest concerns addressed are drug use, environmental temptations, health and wellness, and societal transitioning, but the different types of rehab address them in different ways.

  • Inpatient rehab:  A facility that separates you from your environment for a set period to help cleanse the body of toxins and provide coaching and emotional support to progress through withdrawal and cope with temptations in the future. Inpatient rehab focuses on group therapy and medical intervention to improve the patient’s health and get them back on their feet while preventing them from being in a situation where they may be tempted to use again.
  • Outpatient treatment: Generally, IOP is the opposite side of inpatient rehab. An outpatient facility treats the patient outside of a structured facility, much like hospice care for the elderly. The counselors and medical professionals will visit the person in their home or another location to perform the same functions as they would in an inpatient facility. There are some benefits and drawbacks to this sort of rehab. For one, this type of rehab is beneficial for maintaining a normal lifestyle, and it promotes seeking better opportunities while you’re in the program and have support. On the other hand, it can be difficult to separate yourself from the temptations of your normal life because you are still surrounded by the totems of your daily activities.
  • Residential treatment: This rehabilitation takes place in a residential setting. While outpatient rehab can be done in many different areas such as a halfway house, at a hospital or at a group facility, residential treatment occurs within an individual’s home. Once again, this has more difficulty in combating the behaviors of addiction but is beneficial for driving someone towards establishing a healthy life after rehab is complete.
  • Recovery housing: Designed to offer the best of both worlds, it stands as a place where addicted individuals can get back on their feet and find jobs while maintaining a rigorous set of rules and behaviors. They are with other people in recovery, so it gives them support and medical intervention if necessary while also keeping them involved in regular activities of normal adult life. This helps them transition easily back into productive society while helping to get them healthy and rid them of drug addiction.

Benefits of Rehab

Rehab was primarily developed to help drug and alcohol users overcome severe addiction and rid themselves of their issues with substance abuse, but it has many other benefits beyond that.

  • Getting Clean: The primary reason for going to rehab is to get clean. Rehab offers an opportunity to escape from the pressures of drug and alcohol culture. Not only that, but it can remove you from the presence of drugs and offer accountability during your stay so that you have safeguards to prevent lapses in judgment. This helps people overcome their addictions and curtail their abuse of dangerous substances.
  • Establishing Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Establishing a method for dealing with temptation after they leave rehab is another major aspect of the treatment. Because it is so difficult to break free of the chemical dependence on drugs, a regimen needs to be established for preventing contact with drugs and other users. There also needs to be a plan in place so you can say no when the urge strikes. Chemical dependence is a very real struggle, and it is physiological in nature. Being able to fight off the desires of your body is very difficult, so trained psychologists and counselors help to develop a program for combating those desires when they arise.
  • Improving Mental and Physical Health: In addition to encouraging getting clean, these facilities promote mental, emotional and physical health. Many rehab centers will offer yoga, meditation and exercise regimens. One of the best things for fighting drug addiction is exercise and mindfulness. As the mind finds other things that bring pleasure, it no longer needs the chemical high produced by using drugs. This acts as both a coping mechanism and a goal so that the recovering individual can fight their temptations and pursue something much healthier. Yoga and meditation practices also promote mindfulness that improves a person’s mood and alleviates the need for chemically induced highs.
  • Assisting in Societal Integration: This is beneficial for long-term remission. Because addicted individuals have found their way to the fringes of society, they are typically not involved in functional wellness. For instance, many drug and alcohol users have trouble holding down a stable job regardless of whether they have faced unemployment due to drug screenings. Rehab centers will offer career counseling and help to set these individuals up with opportunities that can last longer than their treatment. With support and a path forward, former addicts can become functioning members of society once again, which helps them lead better and more fulfilling lives that are less likely to slip back into addiction.
  • Developing Support and Relationships: Finally, rehab encourages relationships and accountability. Many former addicts will speak fondly of the friendships they made while undergoing treatment because these people have become lifelong accountability partners and supports to help each other through difficult times and temptations. Programs like Alcoholics Anonymous establish mentors and partnerships so that individuals never feel alone in their process of recovery. Having someone help along the path to recovery gives guidance and support when it’s most needed.

Rehab Centers Near Milford, CT

Fortunately, for those in the Milford, Connecticut, area, there are options for rehabilitation centers. Granite Recovery Centers has some excellent facilities available in the neighboring region to provide a safe refuge and opportunity for rehabilitation.

Green Mountain Treatment Center is situated in the nearby mountains of New Hampshire, replete with scenic views, beautiful walking trails, and a calming and serene environment. This facility is an inpatient treatment center focused on medical detox and individual counseling. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency. At Green Mountain Treatment Center, patients receive individualized care and treatment plans to help them understand their individual steps to recovery and ensure they move along the path to wellness. On-site nursing staff members help patients to overcome the physical issues of withdrawal and aid them in the process of improving their body through medical intervention and health and wellness education.

New Freedom Academy is a similar program on private acreage in Canterbury. This facility is designed for a low patient-to-staff ratio to ensure that proper treatment and care is affordable for every person. New Freedom Academy focuses on holistic therapy and partnership to create lasting change. There are daily exercise regimens as well as yoga and meditation practices that encourage mindfulness and wellness to help along the path to health. Additionally, each patient is partnered with a resident who is farther along in their curriculum to provide accountability, support, encouragement and guidance. The treatment plans at New Freedom Academy are designed to have as much support and guidance as possible to appropriately care for those in need.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.