
Meriden Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Meriden Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Meriden Addiction Treatment Resources

One of the greatest challenges a person can face during the course of a lifetime is drug or alcohol addiction. If you or a loved one is dealing with substance use disorder or addiction, you certainly are not alone. There are many people laboring under drug or alcohol misuse or addiction. More significantly, there are treatment and recovery resources available to you, including residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers serving the people of Meriden, Connecticut.

Drug and alcohol addiction is a widespread issue in Connecticut. Approximately 49,544 people in the state were admitted into treatment and recovery programs in 2019.

Meriden, Connecticut, has not been spared the scourge of substance use disorder, addiction and overdose in recent years. In 2019, 1,016 residents of Meriden were admitted into substance use disorder treatment programs, like Green Mountain Treatment Center or New Freedom Academy. In addition, 160 people were admitted to rehab programs based on a dual diagnosis.

A dual diagnosis is made when an individual is afflicted with a substance use or addiction issue as well as a mental health condition. There are cases in which a person develops some type of drug or alcohol problem or addiction because of an attempt to self-medicate the symptoms of a mental health condition. In other cases, a person develops a mental health condition like depression or anxiety because of drug misuse or drug addiction.

Overdose, including fatal overdose, has reached epidemic levels in Connecticut. Opioids are the most common cause of drug overdoses, including fatal overdoses, in Connecticut. In 2019, 1,200 opioid overdose deaths occurred in Connecticut.

When to Seek Help

There are a number of indications that you or a loved one has reached a juncture at which professional treatment for drug or alcohol misuse or addiction is necessary. A person in need of professional assistance for drug misuse or addiction typically exhibits multiple signs and symptoms.

A pervasive symptom of substance addiction is an inability to stop using. You or a loved one may be able to put a particular mind-altering substance away for a short period of time. No matter how dedicated you may feel to the idea of quitting, you return to using.

Another sign that you or a person in your life is in need of addiction treatment is if nearly all waking time is spent taking drugs or seeking them. In addition, as time has gone on, you’ve had to use ever-increasing amounts of a particular drug in order to receive the desired feeling, rush or high.

You or a loved one may have reached a point at which a considerable percentage of funds is spent on drugs. As a consequence, you fall behind on bills and other financial obligations. On a related note, symptoms that indicate the need for drug rehab include failing to satisfy work obligations, failing to go to work and ultimately losing a job. In addition, other primary obligations of day-to-day living are ignored. A corollary sign of substance use disorder or addiction is a failure to tend to even essential tasks like personal hygiene.

A person laboring under a substance use disorder or addiction will isolate him or herself from family and friends. An individual in such a position will gravitate only to those who use the same type of mind-altering substances or from whom drugs can be obtained.

When drug addiction takes root, you or a loved one ultimately will face disruptions in sleep patterns. In addition, an addicted person’s diet becomes disrupted and their overall health degrades. While overdose is always a possible outcome for drug addiction, prolonged use of a mind-altering substance can result in permanent physical damage to a person. In addition, an individual can face pervasive mental health and emotional issues arising out of the long-term use of and addiction to drugs and alcohol.

How to Get Help Dealing Addiction

If you’ve identified some or all of the signs and symptoms outlined above, and you’ve reached the point that you’re “sick and tired of being sick and tired,” entering into a treatment or recovery center makes sense. You need to have a positive view on treatment and desire to change the course of your life in order for treatment to be effective.

Once you’ve made the decision to seek professional assistance to address a substance use disorder or addiction issue, you should not delay in reaching out for help. For example, the teams at Green Mountain Treatment Center and New Freedom Academy have someone available 24 hours a day to take your call and assist you in entering into an effective rehab program designed specifically to meet your needs, goals and objectives.

If an addiction issue involves a member of your family or another loved one, you really can’t force them into a treatment and recovery program. Ultimately, the decision to seek addiction recovery assistance rests with the person laboring under a substance use disorder.

However, a person with a substance use disorder or addiction issue can receive preliminary assistance and support in making a decision to enter into treatment. One primary strategy often used in this regard is an intervention. Interventions bring loved ones and colleagues into the process of presenting objective information about why a person should seek professional assistance for substance use disorder or addiction.

In order for a substance use disorder intervention to be effective and not harmful, obtaining the assistance of a trained professional to lead an intervention is highly recommended. Many residential treatment centers have professionals on their teams available to provide assistance with or lead an intervention process. The goal should be to provide supportive encouragement for an individual to seek addiction treatment and turn their life around.

Types of Treatment Programs

People living in and around Meriden, Connecticut, have access to a number of different types of treatment programs. The choice of a particular course of treatment depends upon the nature and extent of a person’s underlying drug or alcohol addiction.

If you or a loved one misuses but is not addicted to a mind-altering substance like alcohol, you may be able to obtain suitable assistance via nonresidential treatment. You may benefit from joining a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or a similar type of group.

In some instances, joining a support group when the issue is some level of substance use disorder may prove to be ineffective. If that is the case, try participation in a nonresidential treatment program, such as a course of rehabilitation that includes assistance from recovery specialists.

If the use of mind-altering substances has reached a level at which misuse is significant or at which you or a loved one is addicted to some type of drug, the time has arrived to consider entering a residential treatment program serving the Meriden area, like Green Mountain Treatment Center or New Freedom Academy.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment at Green Mountain Treatment Center

People who live in and around Meriden have access to an adult-oriented residential treatment program in Green Mountain Treatment Center. Situated in New Hampshire, the serene location provides lovely views of the White Mountains and the Lakes Region. The secluded New England facility provides an idyllic setting for a man or woman desiring to recover from drug or alcohol addiction.

People in need of addiction treatment often must undertake detox, which itself is a physically and emotionally challenging process. Green Mountain Treatment Center maintains a medical detox facility for people facing high-to-manageable withdrawal from a mind-altering substance. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

The primary course of treatment at this residential facility includes a comprehensive 12-step curriculum specifically formulated for an individual resident. Professionals will assess you or your loved one in order to determine the right combination of group therapy, individual therapy and possibly medication to give you the best chance of success in recovery. In addition, Green Mountain provides residents with a broad range of effective holistic therapies like meditation.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment at New Freedom Academy

New Freedom Academy is another residential drug and alcohol treatment program available to people who live in and around Meriden. Nestled in the rolling countryside around Canterbury, New Hampshire, New Freedom Academy is located on 17 private wooded acres.

New Freedom is ideal for people seeking substance addiction treatment who believe they’ll thrive in a smaller treatment and recovery community. The facility is home to 20 beds, a setup that ensures a low client-to-clinician and staff-to-client ratio.

At the heart of the treatment options at New Freedom are cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy. In addition, the professional therapeutic team at New Freedom Academy has a strong background in working with residents who suffer from a dual diagnosis of drug addiction and some type of mental health condition.

Understandably, the initial step in making a decision to seek drug or alcohol addiction treatment is challenging. However, it is worth it. By seeking professional assistance at a residential recovery center, you or a loved one will end up on a pathway to a new, brilliant life.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.