
Boston Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Boston Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Boston Addiction Treatment Resources

Boston is the capital and most populated city in the state of Massachusetts. It boasts a very rich history and is one of the oldest municipalities in the country, and was originally founded by Puritan settlers who emigrated from Boston, England. It is the birthplace of many important events in American History, such as the Boston Tea Party, the Battle of Bunker Hill, and the American Revolution. It is also an apex of some of the most distinguished schools in the world, including Harvard, Tufts, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Despite its rich history, Boston has faced hardship with the opioid epidemic along with the rest of the country, and also has a high rate of alcohol use. In Boston, 22.2% of adults report to drink excessively, making Massachusetts the 7th highest drinking state in the U.S.

In 2019, there were 2,023 confirmed deaths that were caused by an overdose of opioids in Massachusetts, with 181 of those being in Boston. Despite the decrease in overdose fatalities in the past 2 years, this is still almost double the country’s average of 14.6 deaths per 100,000 people.

In order to account for widespread drug and alcohol use, there are a large number of inpatient and outpatient facilities in the city that cater to the needs of individuals who are currently struggling with addiction. If you believe that you’re suffering from a substance use disorder, you should learn more about the types of treatment available to you in Boston as well as how to find the right facility for your needs.

What Drug and Alcohol Abuse Entails

Drug abuse occurs whenever you take a drug that isn’t legal or when you consume too much of a drug that has been prescribed to you. Even taking too much Tylenol could be seen as drug abuse. As for alcohol abuse, standard use of alcohol only turns into abuse of the substance when you consume far too much of the drink.

If you’ve only abused drugs or alcohol a couple of times, it’s possible that you will be able to stop taking these substances without much issue. However, addiction to drugs or alcohol means that your body now depends on the substance that you’re addicted to in order for it to function like it’s supposed to.

Alcohol abuse is somewhat more difficult to understand when compared to heroin abuse or prescription opioid abuse. Alcohol affects every individual differently. Abuse generally occurs when you drink too much alcohol on a regular basis. It’s also important to understand that heavy drinking can cause a wide range of health problems, including liver disease and heart disease.

For men, heavy drinking occurs when consuming over four drinks every day or more than 14 in a single week. As for women, heavy drinking is considered consuming over three drinks in a single day or more than seven in a week. A drink of alcohol means something different with each type of alcohol. Five ounces of wine is equivalent to 12 ounces of standard beer.

Alcohol abuse is a significant problem in Boston. This is displayed by the fact that 25% of college students in the area have experienced academic performance issues because of their consumption of alcohol. 22.2% of adult Bostonians report to drink excessively, while the entire state of Massachusetts has the 7th highest alcoholism rate in the country.

Abuse of drugs is also a very common problem in Boston. In the last 10 years, abuse of opioids has increased by upwards of 130%. A significant amount of this increase occurred with drugs like heroin and fentanyl.

While prescription drugs are commonly abused in Boston, these drugs are relatively difficult for most people to find, which is why they will turn to illegal drugs like heroin. As for fentanyl, this drug is 100 times more potent than a standard dose of morphine, which means that it’s easy to become addicted to.

Whether you believe that you’re abusing drugs/alcohol or you’ve become addicted to these substances, obtaining treatment is highly recommended. Even if you are addicted to substances, rehabilitation can give you the tools needed to manage your cravings and learn how to avoid consuming the alcohol or taking the drugs that are causing the addiction.

How Overdose Occurs

An alcohol overdose takes place when a very high amount of alcohol is in the bloodstream. When this occurs, the area of the brain that controls heart rate and breathing will start to shut down. Some of the primary symptoms that are associated with alcohol overdose include:

  • Difficulties with breathing
  • Very low body temperature
  • Confusion
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Slow heart rate

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important that you seek immediate medical treatment.

The most common drug overdose in Boston involves opioids, which include everything from fentanyl to heroin. Opioids directly affect a portion of the brain that regulates a person’s breathing, which means that overdosing on opioids can be very dangerous.

If you happen to take too much of a drug in a small period of time, your chances of suffering from an overdose will increase. The primary signs of a drug overdose include vomiting, passing out, having an extremely pale face, and having severe problems with breathing.

Keep in mind that drug overdose becomes more likely if you mix one harmful substance with another. For instance, drinking alcohol at the same time that you take too much fentanyl can increase your chances of an overdose. While overdosing on drugs or alcohol can be very dangerous, you can greatly reduce the risk of these issues by seeking treatment for drug or alcohol abuse.

Obtaining Treatment for Drug or Alcohol Abuse

If you feel like you or someone close to you may be suffering from a substance use disorder, it’s possible to keep the negative effects at bay by obtaining extensive treatment. In the event that your drug or alcohol abuse has been a short-term problem, it’s possible that your treatment will focus mainly on detoxification while also helping you understand more about the dangers of consuming too many drugs or too much alcohol. If you find that you’re addicted to a drug or you drink too much alcohol, you may need more comprehensive treatment that will help you learn how to manage your cravings. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

There is a wide variety of drug and alcohol rehab centers in Boston, which means that it shouldn’t take long for you to find a facility that meets your needs and preferences. While some of these facilities can accommodate any type of illicit substance, there are also certain facilities that are designed specifically for the treatment of alcohol abuse, opioid abuse, or prescription drug abuse.

The features and amenities of each treatment program will differ substantially. This is why it’s recommended that you consider all of your options and compare the ones that you’re most interested in.

It’s important to obtain treatment for drug or alcohol abuse because of the damage that substance abuse can do to your livelihood and your overall health. Individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol tend to have financial problems, relationship problems, and health complications.

The various health complications associated with drug misuse are typically divided into short-term complications and long-term complications. For instance, the many short-term side effects of drug misuse include:

  • Changes in heart rate and blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Overdose
  • Possibly death if the substance is abused for a lengthy period of time

You should know that the short-term effects of drug misuse can occur even if you only misuse the substance one time. The long-term effects of misuse extend to mental illness, lung disease, heart disease, or cancer. While these side effects and complications are severe, it’s possible to avoid the majority of them by seeking treatment at an outpatient or inpatient rehab facility.

Types of Treatment Available to You

There are three major types of drug and alcohol rehab that you should consider when searching for the right treatment option in Boston. These rehab possibilities include a residential treatment program, a partial hospitalization program, and an outpatient treatment program. If you’re discussing these treatments with a loved one, keep in mind that all three rehab options have proven to be highly effective.

However, the option that you choose largely has to do with the extent of your substance use disorder. If you’ve only abused drugs or alcohol occasionally or for a short period of time, an outpatient program may be right for you. If, however, the addiction is making it difficult for you to wean yourself off of the drug or alcohol in question, a more comprehensive rehab program might be the ideal option for you.

Residential treatment programs are highly intense, and they require you to remain within the residential facility on a 24/7 basis. These programs can last anywhere from one month to more than a year depending on how severe your addiction or substance use disorder is. While this treatment option requires a substantial commitment, it’s considered to be very effective.

When you are in this treatment facility, you will receive group therapy, individual counseling, family therapy if needed, and a wide range of other treatments that are designed to help you cope with your addiction and manage the symptoms that come with it. Detoxification from the substance in question will occur before therapy begins. Likely the most beneficial aspect of attending a residential program is that you will be in a drug-free environment for the entire duration of the treatment, which makes it easier to avoid relapsing.

Another treatment option is a partial hospitalization program. These are typically designed to be used by individuals who have already been through a residential program. While you will still receive most of the benefits that come with full residential rehab, you will be able to return home at night after a day of treatment.

While not as intensive as the other options, outpatient treatment programs may be just what you need to stop abusing drugs or alcohol for good. These programs allow you to go to work or school without issue.

The main goal of an outpatient treatment program is to make sure that you receive treatment for around three to five days a week. During a treatment day, you may be tasked with attending treatment for two to three hours. No matter which of these treatments you prefer, you will find some amazing facilities and programs in Boston that will help you manage your addiction.

Granite Recovery Centers

While there is an array of wonderful treatment centers that you or your loved one could apply for in and around Boston, two of the top treatment facilities in the area are Green Mountain Treatment Center and New Freedom Academy. At Green Mountain Treatment Center, you’ll be provided with spectacular views of the sprawling White Mountains, which should make for a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

When attending this residential rehab program, your treatment plan will be individualized to ensure that all of your needs are met. The primary features of a standard addiction treatment plan include:

  • On-campus medical detox
  • An on-site gym
  • Transportation when needed
  • Treatment for any co-occurring mental disorders
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • 12-step meetings and curriculum
  • Clinical treatment
  • Chef-prepared meals

The New Freedom Academy is located in Canterbury, which is just over one hour away from Boston. This is a 20-bed facility that offers a very intimate and cozy environment that’s ideal for any individual who doesn’t love the idea of staying at a large treatment center. The types of therapies and programs provided to patients at the New Freedom Academy include:

  • Process groups
  • Individual therapy
  • Group counseling
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Treatment for various co-occurring mental disorders

Some of the additional features available at the New Freedom Academy include medical staff that’s on-site 24/7, yoga and meditation, family recovery workshops, and proven clinical treatment. If you are thinking about admitting to one of these facilities, please give us a call to discuss your options at (855) 906-3688. All it takes is one phone call for you or a loved one to begin obtaining the treatment that you need.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.