
Malden Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Malden Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Malden Addiction Treatment Resources

Malden, Massachusetts, offers a variety of substance use services to help residents tackle their substance use disorder. Whether you are dependent on alcohol, drugs or a combination, there is a way to get help and take back your life.

Opioids are currently one of the most widely abused substances in Malden and throughout Massachusetts. Over 50% of adults who have an opioid use disorder began using drugs before age 15. Early intervention is one of the best ways to combat addiction, but that does not mean those who have been struggling for months or even years are at a loss.

Getting help may seem scary, and you might even avoid seeking treatment for fear of what others might think. Despite local initiatives and greater mental health awareness, the stigma of addiction is still prominent throughout our culture. Just know that your health, happiness and freedom that comes from a sober life are far more important than anyone’s opinion.

Substance Use Statistics

The 2018 National Survey of Drug Use and Health revealed that one in five Americans over age 12 used an illicit drug within the last year, and approximately 9.2 million had a co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder.

Massachusetts was one of the top 10 states with opioid-related deaths. Opiate drugs like heroin, morphine, Oxycontin and fentanyl are common among drug users, and they contributed to 1,649 deaths in 2017.

Signs of a Substance Use Disorder

Addiction comes in many forms. When a person becomes physically and mentally dependent on a drug to feel good or even just feel like themselves, they are said to have a substance use disorder. These disorders can range from mild to severe, but they can all benefit from professional treatment.

The story of dependence is different for everyone, but most people agree that addiction creeps up on you. You never make a conscious decision to develop a substance use disorder, but you seem to lose greater control over your life with every passing day.

Some people avoid getting help because they only believe that people whose lives have been completely destroyed by drugs and alcohol qualify for treatment. In reality, there are many different ways to struggle with substance use.

Some of the signs of a substance use disorder include:

  • A strong desire to use drugs or drink regularly, whether it’s daily or even every few hours
  • Requiring larger amounts to achieve the same emotional effects
  • Becoming anxious when the substance runs out or you are unable to get some right away
  • Wanting to quit or trying to cut back but being unable to on your own
  • Noticing changes in your mental state, such as feeling more depressed, irritable or anxious without the substance and taking it to feel better

Severity of Substance Use Disorders

For those with a mild substance use disorder, keeping up with daily life might still be easy. Their family and friends may not even know they abuse substances; some people who are heavy drinkers have a social life that is rooted in partying and alcohol, so no one ever suspects that they are really struggling.

Moderate substance use disorders demand more time and attention. When addiction reaches a moderate level, people will begin to experience negative side effects ranging from relationship problems to mental health struggles. You might find yourself increasingly anxious when you are unable to take drugs, or you could start lying or stealing to fund your use.

Severe addictions have caused a person to become entirely dependent on their substance of choice, and the person may feel like they’ve hit rock bottom. They may have overdosed or been arrested for crimes related to drugs or crimes they committed while under the influence. Some have lost their jobs and homes because they spent all of their money buying drugs or alcohol.

People with moderate to severe substance use disorders often require a higher level of treatment than those with a mild disorder; while all are worthy of treatment, the physical risks of detox mean that certain cases require greater levels of medical intervention.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatments Near Malden

Malden, Massachusetts, substance use services include a variety of treatment facilities. From residential rehabs to outpatient clinics, there is a program for every individual.

Knowing how to choose the right type of substance use disorder treatment is critical; some people are uninformed and choose a program that cannot provide the level of care and therapy they need to get better. When this happens, they may relapse and believe that they are beyond help.

Although painful, relapse is not a permanent mark of failure. This is never true; anyone who wants to get better can. Sometimes, it takes multiple attempts before treatment “sticks,” but each go at sobriety can push you closer toward true recovery.

Residential Drug Rehabs Near Malden

Residential or inpatient treatment allows people to remove themselves from their current environment and fully dedicate themselves to getting better. When you enter an inpatient program for a substance use disorder, you’ll live at a facility for a set period of time.

Most inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs last 30 to 90 days, but treatment doesn’t end there. After your initial rehab program is over, you will be encouraged to continue attending outpatient therapy, support groups and individual counseling.

Malden is a part of the Mystic Valley Public Health Coalition, a collaborative organization that helps Malden and other Massachusetts residents and their families get help for addiction.

The Mystic Valley Public Health Coalition has a list of residential substance use treatment centers near Malden residents; these rehab centers offer inpatient services that include clinical stabilization, under 30-day treatment programs, acute treatment and transitional treatment services.

Outpatient Treatment Options

Outpatient treatment for substance use disorders can serve many functions. For some, it’s a good alternative to residential treatment when that level of care is not affordable. Others prefer it because they get to remain at home with their families and can continue working while receiving treatment. More people attend outpatient rehab after completing a residential program as a form of continued therapy.

There are different types of outpatient rehab for substance misuse that can help people with varying levels of addiction. Traditional outpatient rehab has weekly group therapy meetings, and you may also have appointments with an individual substance use counselor as well. This is a good type of follow-up care or a helpful form of treatment for people with mild substance use disorders.

Partial Hospitalization Programs, or PHPs, and Intensive Outpatient Programs, or IOPs, last 6 to 10 hours a day, and they can be as effective for people as inpatient rehab. The primary difference between PHPs, IOPs and inpatient treatment is the fact that patients are still able to return home at the end of each day.

PHP programs can also be useful for people who have already completed residential programs but still need additional support during the early stages of their recovery.

Detox Centers

Before you can even go through rehab, you need to rid your body of any substances it’s currently dependent on. Detox is a difficult process, and some people are so afraid of the effects of withdrawal that they avoid getting treatment altogether. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Detox centers may be a requirement to enter some substance use programs in Malden. For others, they may be the first line of treatment that individuals choose before moving onto an inpatient or outpatient center.

Detoxification is best done under medical supervision. With nurses and doctors who specialize in substance use treatment, you can receive medication that helps reduce the side effects of withdrawal and protect your physical health. People with severe alcohol dependence and opioid use disorders are at an especially high risk of detox complications.

The physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal can range from mild to excruciating, so having medical staff to monitor your symptoms and guide you through this difficult period can make your transition into rehab much easier. Although difficult, detox is the first step toward recovery, and it is a huge achievement in and of itself.

Support Groups and Family Therapy Options

Continued support is a vital part of the recovery process. After completing your initial stint in rehab, you will need follow-up care that connects you to an uplifting sober community. Family members may also benefit from attending support group meetings. When they get an insider’s look at addiction, they can begin to understand how substance use disorders affect their loved one, and they can learn helpful strategies to aid in their recovery.

Malden has access to all of the greater Boston area support groups including Families Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and mental health support groups. There are also numerous licensed marriage and family therapists who can provide support during recovery. They can help couples and families work through the challenges of overcoming addiction together.

Beyond Boston: Recovery Outside of Massachusetts

You may decide that distance is an important part of your recovery. Removing yourself from the area where you’ve experienced addiction can prove useful, especially when it comes to severe cases that may also include traumatic pasts and mental illness. While you will need to eventually return home and learn how to cope with triggers, a clean slate in a new state for recovery could be beneficial as well.

There are many scenic and accessible drug and alcohol rehabs out of state. Green Mountain Treatment and the New Freedom Academy in New Hampshire offer short- and long-term recovery programs as well as specialized treatment for co-occurring mental illnesses.

If you or a loved one suffers from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or another psychological disorder, specialized treatment can prove fundamental to your recovery. While the 12-step model of addiction was once the most popular standard of care, professionals are adopting a personalized approach.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.