
Springfield Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Springfield Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Springfield Alcohol & Drug Rehab Resources

Springfield has an extensive history in the state of Massachusetts. Founded in 1636, the city played a crucial role in the Civil War. Truly, it is rife with history to be proud of. Unfortunately, that history also includes a city suffering from substance use disorder. Massachusetts ranks in the top 10 states with people suffering from substance use disorder. This problem isn’t just found in Springfield; drug abuse is on the rise throughout the entire state.

According to these trends, thousands die every year as a result of opioid abuse, heroin addiction, alcoholism and other drug-related issues. In 2018, the Commonwealth saw more than 1,500 of these deaths, many of which occurred in Springfield. Once someone becomes addicted to a substance, it’s difficult to quit without support.

To battle addiction, it’s important to understand how it works in the first place. Recognizing how substance abuse begins can shed light on why stopping is so difficult.

What Is Addiction?

A chronic brain disease, addiction is defined by dependence on alcohol or drugs. This can refer to either physical or psychological dependence. Once the disorder forms in a person, they will pursue this habit regardless of the harm it puts them or others in.

Why Get Help for Addiction in Springfield?

As difficult as it is to seek treatment, you are the only one who can choose when to quit. As much as your loved ones want you to stop, the decision to embrace sobriety rests solely on your shoulders. Your drive to write a better life for yourself can only come from within.

Some of the reasons to get help might include the following:

  • Your Bank Account: An addictive behavior destroys finances like nothing else can. When was the last time you thought about how much you spent on substance use each month? Does this calculation factor in time missed at work, the cost of conflicts in your relationships or any legal fees that you might face if you continue the habit?
  • Your Reputation: It’s easy to believe your addiction is a complete secret, but most people just aren’t that good at hiding it, especially from the people they see every day. The only way to rebuild trust and reputation damaged by intoxicated choices is by living a sober life.
  • Your Life Goals: Do you want to get a promotion at work and earn more money? Do you need to repair your marriage? Do you just want to feel better when you wake up in the morning? Anything can be accomplished when you’re free from the throes of addiction.
  • Your Comfort: Does hiding substance use take a lot of time and energy out of your day? How much time is spent recovering from the hangovers and the moments you wish you could forget? The beginning of recovery is a challenging experience, but the way you feel in your own skin will improve if you continue toward healing.
  • Your Freedom: Other than alcohol, most drugs aren’t legal to use, and just owning them can be enough to warrant arrest. Driving while intoxicated is another dangerous move that threatens your safety and those on the road with you. If you start to accumulate too many of these charges while under the influence, no judge will care if addiction is to blame.
  • Your Physical Health: Just because you don’t overdose doesn’t mean you’re living a healthy life. Drug use builds up toxins and puts excessive stress on the organs, which can lead to serious damage if left untreated. If you choose to embrace treatment, a physical exam can help you heal your body or otherwise provide peace of mind.
  • Your Mental Health: If a mental health disorder is present, alcohol and drugs almost always exacerbate the symptoms rather than relieve them. Other substances can slowly change the brain structure over time, altering your personality and sometimes triggering emotional problems that you didn’t have before. Simply put, your sobriety is important for your mental health.
  • Your Partner or Spouse: Often, addiction in a marriage can erode it through trust issues, secrets and built-up resentment. The person you care about the most, your family and your closest friends all want you to be healthy. Through recovery, you have the opportunity to rebuild your relationships.
  • Your Children: If you have children, the first step back to normal is addiction treatment. Showing that you can heal will show your children that they can heal from any harm done to the relationship. Set an example through recovery and help everyone at the same time.
  • Your Survival: The number one reason to stop using drugs and alcohol is for your immediate survival. Overdose is no small matter: Your life depends on sobriety and breaking addiction. Hundreds of people die from substance use every day in the United States, and your loved ones don’t want you to become one of them.

Types of Treatment Available in Springfield

Now that we know the “why,” let’s discuss the “how.” Massachusetts offers a wide range of rehabs and other programs depending on your needs.

  • Prevention Services and Programs: These include programs that focus on particular high-risk individuals, programs that welcome all residents and programs that work with multiple community systems. Some community programs are designed to prevent drug use in children up to 18 years of age and their families. The programs focus on a particular municipality and are led by community members who want to help.
  • Short-Term Residential Treatment: Individuals who need intensive care can participate in an acute treatment program that lasts under 30 days. These programs include acute treatment services and transitional support services, and they provide support for people who use alcohol or drugs.
  • Acute Treatment Services: These medically monitored programs provide nursing care around the clock to help alleviate symptoms from detoxification. Depending on the substance, withdrawal symptoms can be intense and dangerous to suffer alone. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.
  • Transitional Support Services: These short-term services provide support for clients in need of a structured environment before re-integrating with society as a sober individual. As the name suggests, transitional services help those who have completed acute treatment and are not yet ready to seek outpatient care.
  • Long-Term Residential Treatment: Sometimes, short-term treatment doesn’t lead to lasting recovery, and that’s where long-term residential treatment can fill in the gap. Those who have recently stopped drugs and are medically stable can join one of these programs if they’re not ready to return to normal life. Long-term residential treatment programs last more than 30 days.

These services assist families and adults in recovery so that they can become self-sufficient again. This branch of support promotes a drug- and alcohol-free living environment while helping to maintain ongoing recovery goals.

Granite Recovery Centers

While there are rehab centers available locally in Springfield, Granite Recovery Centers also provide addiction treatment if you’d like a fresh start away from the environment where your addiction started.

Granite Recovery Centers take the 12-step program commonly associated with AA and combine it with individual and group therapy. By integrating this comprehensive combination, those who stay at one of the centers work through the 12 steps and learn how their past, present and future are all affected by each point of the process.

For example, the fourth step is to make a fearless inventory of one’s self. In conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy, residents have access to a strong support system after unearthing a lot of emotional pain.

Green Mountain Treatment Center

Granite Recovery Center’s flagship rehab facility for adults is Green Mountain Treatment Center, located in Effingham, New Hampshire. This facility offers its residents beautiful panoramic views of both the White Mountains of New Hampshire and the Lakes Region. Green Mountain provides gender-separate treatment based on the 12-step program, carefully combining it with personalized, evidence-based therapies for each resident.

The facility seeks to attack the underlying root cause of an addiction while providing the clinical setting to carefully examine and treat the issue. The 12-step program provides residents with the opportunity to perform deep, introspective work and accept the emotional tidal waves that come in, eventually leading to holistically healing.

Personalized Treatment: The GMTC employs licensed clinicians with master’s degrees or higher as well as experienced administrative support staff, 12-step facilitators and dedicated case managers. Together, the team designs individualized treatment plans for each person.

Client-to-Client Program: It’s a challenge for anyone to enter drug rehab, even if they’ve been through the process before at another facility. To help make the transition easier, Green Mountain pairs residents with other residents who are further along in recovery to act as a mentor. As new clients go through the treatment process, they will also become mentors to new clients arriving later.

Medical Detox: Green Mountain also houses a medical detox facility to help clients who may experience difficulty in withdrawal. This facility provides medical monitoring around the clock with the help of medical professionals trained in treating addiction.

New Freedom Academy

Located in Canterbury, New Hampshire, New Freedom Academy is another secluded rehab facility provided by Granite Recovery Centers.

With only 20 beds available in the facility, New Freedom provides a low client-to-clinician ratio to ensure plenty of one-on-one time. Like Green Mountain, New Freedom combines clinical experience with evidence-based therapies to achieve success in its addiction treatment programs.

Defeating addiction takes a strong heart and willpower, and that requires treating the entire person. At New Freedom Academy, residents can access a wealth of holistic activities that include physical exercise, which is helps to promote endorphins and a general feeling of well-being.

New Freedom Academy offers:

  • Medical-assisted treatment
  • Evidence-based treatment
  • Access to off-site family recovery workshops
  • Gender-separate living
  • Meditation and yoga
  • Medical staff around the clock
  • Nutritious meals prepared by chefs
  • Seclusion in a picturesque setting

Millions of Americans struggle with addiction in some form or another. Know that you are not alone if you are one of them. There are many programs available in Springfield, Massachusetts, and the surrounding areas. Call one of the suggested rehab facilities to learn more information about what each one can provide and start taking your future into your hands.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.