
Hudson Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Hudson Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

Hudson Addiction Treatment Resources

Hudson, New Hampshire, is a small town with a friendly community. It is conveniently located near major highways and local shopping areas. As you walk through Hudson, you might enjoy the abundant parks and the forest that surrounds you. Benson Park, which used to be a zoo, is a beautiful park that you might enjoy in town. The public schools are great, and the community is safe.

However, even in a small town like Hudson, it may be possible that you or someone you love is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction. All throughout New England, there is an opioid epidemic.

This can be a tough thing to discuss with family members or friends. Addiction is a disease, and it can be treated. However, knowing where to start isn’t always easy. You may not know where to turn. Friends and family could judge you, or that’s what many people believe will happen. It isn’t always the case. In this article, we are going to present some options for you to learn about treatment options that are both professional and effective.

If you or someone you love is dealing with heroin, alcohol, cocaine or even fentanyl addiction, it is important to know that millions of people are dealing with this as well.

Statistics Show That You’re Not Alone When Dealing With Addiction

In recent years, New Hampshire has been listed as one of the top five states in the country in the rate of opioid-related deaths. Though numbers have declined since 2017, which was the worst year to date, the numbers are still problematic. In 2019, there were 415 overdoses deaths involving opioids. There was a significant increase in cases that involved fentanyl and synthetic opioids other than methadone. Recent increases in deaths were shown to be related to a rise in synthetic opioids outside of methadone, mainly fentanyl.

In 2019, 18.2% of adults reported some sort of issue with either chronic drinking or binge drinking in the state of New Hampshire as well.

The Dangers of Alcohol and Opioid Consumption

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, or NIAAA, provides a lot of valuable information on what the effects of consuming too much alcohol can be on your body. Even if it’s only binge drinking one time, excessive alcohol can cause adverse effects on someone’s liver, pancreas, immune system, heart and brain.

According to additional information published by the NIAAA, you’re at higher risk for certain types of cancer when you drink alcohol. These include breast cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, and neck and head cancers.

The National Toxicology Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is the agency that produced a “Report on Carcinogens,” which shed light on these links. A vast amount of scientific research studies helped to determine these correlations between drinking and cancer.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse, or NIDA, indicates that prescription opioids can also have very profound effects on someone’s body.

Prescription opioids can cause nausea, drowsiness, confusion, constipation, euphoria, slowed breathing and negative effects in the brain.

In addition, the NIDA published a very important survey called the National Survey on Drug Use and Health; it was performed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. This was an important national survey in terms of an accurate picture when it comes to illicit drug use, dependence and abuse in the United States among those who are 12 years old or older.

It showed that illicit drug use is on the rise with Americans who are 12 years of age or older. In fact, 9.4% of the population, or 24.6 million Americans, had used illicit drugs as of the time the survey was taken in 2013. Only 8.3% of Americans had taken an illicit drug as of 2002, just a decade earlier.

There are a lot of people dealing with addiction. It’s also important for you to know that it’s not too late. There are options available for you so that you don’t become simply another statistic. You mean something to the world.

Three Steps for Getting Help With Alcohol or Drug Addiction Now

It is possible to get help now with your drug or alcohol addiction. Perhaps you have a loved one or family member who is dealing with addiction. They can get help, too. It’s important to know that if you think you or someone you love is at the “point of no return,” there is still hope. This is through the form of treatment programs available to you right now.

The NIAAA refers to scientific research that shows that 33% of those seeking professional help for alcohol addiction have absolutely no symptoms one year later. This is amazingly motivational for someone who isn’t sure if there is help available that will actually work.

Three things you can do when you’re trying to understand how you might get assistance with either alcohol or drug addiction are:

  1. Collect all relevant information on what your options are and what might actually work for you. You need to know what the treatment programs near you offer and where the treatment centers are. That’s what you’re doing now, and it’s an important first step.
  2. Remember that millions of people are in your situation. In many cases, addiction is part of the human condition. You’re not someone who is beyond hope. A lot of people face these issues, and a lot of people are able to overcome them. You can be one of those people, too.
  3. Remember that there is an enormous of scientific data that supports treatment programs. It’s not a matter of “if” you will be able to overcome addiction; it’s “when” you will overcome your addiction. You just have to get started.

Take action. That’s what you have to do next. Read the information below and then go see your primary physician, make a phone call to a treatment center for more information or take whatever step you think is the best action for you. Just get started.

An Overview of the Treatment Programs Available

First, we’re going to give an overview of some things that may be common with both alcohol and drug addiction. The initial information here serves as a broad overview of the types of treatment programs available. After that, we’ll talk a bit more about where those treatment programs might take place.

Behavioral Treatment Programs for Addiction

The NIAAA says that there are many studies that show behavioral treatments are extremely effective for addiction. This type of treatment program focuses on counseling from qualified health care providers. The focus of these types of programs is to change your behavior so that you overcome your addiction.

Mutual Support Groups for Addiction

Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are great examples of mutual support groups that can have a profound effect on someone’s life. In addition to a treatment program that is led by a healthcare provider, mutual support groups like NA or AA can provide support in a group setting.

You’re essentially going to be sharing your story with others who are going through the same thing you are. Some people go to these meetings for the rest of their lives because they know that there are others there who will help them and will not judge them.

According to the NIAAA, 12-step programs like these are very effective. These groups are also anonymous, so people can feel comfortable sharing their struggles. The NIAAA doesn’t know the exact statistics when it comes to percentages of people who overcome addiction with these groups because they are indeed anonymous, but researchers know that support groups can work for you.

Medications for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

A physician may be able to prescribe a medication that can help you with your drug or alcohol addiction. For example, the NIAAA mentions that there are three medications approved in the U.S. for alcohol addiction. These medications can be used in conjunction with mutual support groups, counseling and behavioral treatment programs.

In terms of where treatments might occur, and where you can go if you have serious issues, there are a few options.

Residential Treatment Centers

At residential treatment centers, you are able to get help around the clock. These are facilities that you move into. You eat there and sleep there. Additionally, you can be monitored 24 hours a day if needed as you go through detox. These facilities are often in remote, serene and safe areas. The idea is that you are working on overcoming your addiction 24 hours a day.

Programs can be individualized for you at these treatment centers. They can include mutual support groups, counseling, behavioral treatment and much more.

You’re able to sign up for programs that range from one month to one year in length at these facilities. The goal is for you to overcome your addiction completely. There are also GED programs and job training programs within many of these facilities, so you have a greater shot at success when you graduate.

Partial Hospitalization Treatment Programs

Partial hospitalization treatment programs allow someone to do their intense treatments during the day and to sleep in their own bed at night. This allows you to make the transition back to daily life outside of a residential facility, for example, but still have tons of support. Programs are usually offered during the day at these facilities.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

Those who graduate from one of the two programs above often utilize outpatient treatment programs moving forward. These allow you to continue your daily schedule and do your treatments at night. People who graduate from one of the two programs mentioned above receive continuing support through outpatient treatment programs in many cases.

This would enable someone to continue working or going to school. Alternatively, perhaps someone doesn’t need a treatment program that is so intense, so this would be a good option for them to begin treatment.

A good first step when considering any of the options above is to visit your primary physician. They can give you a proper evaluation and guide you toward the option that may be best for you.

Granite Recovery Centers

Two well-known residential treatment centers for alcohol and drug addiction are New Freedom Academy and Green Mountain Treatment Center. Both of these treatment centers are conveniently located in New Hampshire. New Freedom Academy is in Canterbury, and Green Mountain Treatment Center is in Effingham.

These facilities are both located in very beautiful, serene and relaxing environments. They include amazing views of the surrounding New Hampshire natural landscapes. You will feel at ease at these residential treatment centers. They both offer an extensive 12-step curriculum based on scientific evidence and clinical therapies. Along with the 12-step curriculum, both centers offer holistic therapies, which include meditation, yoga, gym work, and exercise.

Licensed clinicians and experienced 12-step facilitators will help you at these facilities. They work to provide you with individualized, personal programs to help you overcome your addiction for good. These facilities also offer 24-hour medical detox programs. This is essential for those who have major issues. Someone will be there for you around the clock as you detox to offer care and support.

If you or someone you love in Hudson needs help with overcoming addiction, reach out for support today.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.