
Meth Addiction Treatment & Rehab Options

Dangers of Meth Addiction

It may surprise you to learn that by 2016, nearly 6% of the population aged 12 or over had tried methamphetamines, more commonly referred to as meth, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Meth and its potential for addiction is often underrated by first-time users. Because the high is so enjoyable and the crash is so difficult, people will often keep using meth every few hours for several consecutive days to prevent a crash and to keep the high alive.

This creates a dangerous cycle of drug use that often results in addiction before the meth user even realizes it has occurred. This level of high also leads to more overdoses. Fortunately, you have the power to regain control over your addiction and to transform your life with the help of rehab treatment.

The Reality of Meth Addiction

Meth is a highly addictive drug with potentially life-threatening consequences. A misconception exists that meth addiction only affects people in rural America. This is untrue. Meth is a drug addiction that exists in large cities as well as small towns. It destroys lives, families and communities across all wealth or lack thereof. It affects people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. In fact, meth has made a resurgence in recent years as it is now mass-produced, imported and far less expensive than it once was when meth was produced in home labs.

Today, many people are using meth as it is cheaper than other illicit drugs. This means that some opioid users are using meth when their prescriptions end or they can no longer afford heroin. Throughout the year 2017, an estimated 1.6 million people tried meth at least once, and of those individuals, half reported using meth in the past month. Nearly 1 million people were diagnosed as having methamphetamine use disorder in the same year as revealed by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Roughly 15% of all drug overdoses reported in 2017 were directly related to excessive methamphetamine use.

Dangers of Methamphetamine Use

Meth use can add many adverse consequences to your life. Before people begin to use meth, they may not understand the common behavior and risks associated with methamphetamine use. Most people are likely to develop aggressive and violent behavior. This often leads to criminal activity and time in jail or prison. Once you do become clean and sober, time served can make it more difficult to turn your life around. However, it does not make it impossible to get a new start.

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Meth Use

If you believe that someone you love is using methamphetamines, there are some signs and symptoms of meth use to look out for before you start a conversation. The professional and personal lives of a meth user will be the first affected. They will begin to distance themselves from loved ones. Many meth users stop participating in activities they once enjoyed. Meth users will begin to focus more on their drug use rather than spending time on anything else. They will typically begin to lose interest in career ambitions.

Their physical appearance and overall behavior will be affected, too. This will vary with each person and occur at different stages, including twitches, quick speech, inability to stand still, sudden weight loss, rapid eye movement, mood swings, rotting teeth, skin sores, burns on their body and irregular sleep schedules.

Another classic tale of a meth user is that of staying awake for several days at a time resulting in insomnia, anxiety, paranoia, aggression, irritability and more. Once a user crashes, they may sleep for days, develop depression and become obsessed with their drug craving. At some point, the sole focus of a person addicted to meth will simply be how to find the next fix or high.

Ways to Get Help

You can seek help for meth addiction in many ways. Some people prefer to begin speaking with others they trust. This may be in the form of a friend or family member. It could also be in the form of a well-respected spiritual or religious advisor. A neutral party is often beneficial in these situations. This helps prevent an addicted individual from feeling attacked or confronted by loved ones.

You can also choose to approach a counselor or a therapist to begin. Some drug users may not be ready to admit they have a problem. However, they might be willing to attend a Narcotics Anonymous meeting as a start. Others may be highly receptive to the idea of a professional treatment program. Each case will be unique and different. As a loved one, it can be helpful to plant subtle seeds in the life of the drug user, such as sharing helpline numbers and websites that were helpful to friends of friends.

Benefits of Recovery

One of the greatest advantages of sobriety is being in control of your decision-making and behavior. These two components will help lead you to a highly successful life if you so choose. Therapy will allow you to begin rebuilding the relationships you destroyed by using meth. This is a difficult step; however, it is often considered the most beneficial in the long term.

When you are living a sober lifestyle again, you will be able to keep a job and become eligible for raises and promotions. This will help you stay out of trouble with the law and regain visitation or custody of your children. You will also learn tools in rehab that will help you succeed in a life off drugs. Rehab will help you prepare to remove toxic people from your life and to learn the ways to surround yourself with positivity. Rehab and recovery teach you to manage stress and triggers in a healthy manner rather than with drugs or alcohol.


If you believe an intervention is the best way forward, the most important aspect of an intervention is to be sure the person who is addicted to meth is not using at the time of the intervention. This will only escalate an already delicate situation. It is also critical to have a plan and be prepared with as much information and love as possible. Everyone who plans to speak should prepare in advance for the things they wish to discuss and present. In addition, keep in mind that the end goal should be to enter your loved one into a program. As such, you should speak with a professional to help guide you through the process before you begin.

Types of Treatment

Keep in mind that professional treatment is always recommended and advised by medical professionals as meth withdrawal effects are so strong that many people will relapse if they try to quit on their own. Professionals will offer many different types of treatment. It is possible to seek out inpatient care, which means you reside on the premises. The amount of time you stay will vary based on the recovery center. Some people might prefer an outpatient program where they can come and go throughout the day or week. This type of treatment helps provide greater flexibility to individuals who still have jobs and families to care for on their own. You can also choose partial hospitalization.

It will also be important to participate in therapy. You can begin therapy at rehab to help learn the reasons you became addicted and your triggers to prevent a future relapse. Many types of therapy exist today, such as recreational, group, behavioral, animal and family. It is critical that you prepare for aftercare treatment, such as participating in support groups once you leave your supervised treatment to improve your chances of long-term sobriety. Do not forget to check with your insurance provider as treatment is often covered to some extent.

Green Mountain Treatment Center

Green Mountain Treatment Center allows you to recover while surrounded by the stunning panoramic views of New Hampshire. As the Green Mountain Treatment Center is the flagship location of the family of Granite Recovery Centers, during your stay, you will have privileged access to this premium resident facility.

Teams of compassionate professionals will work one on one with you to determine the right treatment path to ensure your success. You must be 18 to attend, and all programs and residences are separated by gender. The on-site medical staff will help make the detox process more manageable. In addition, you will work with a mentor to guide you through the process until you are ready to become a mentor yourself.

Therapy is provided in a variety of forms, including the 12-step group program. You will have access to healthy and delectable dishes by a professional on-site chef, and the staff offers round-the-clock care each day of the week. Residents are permitted to explore the scenic grounds and surrounding apple orchards. Emphasis is also placed on mindfulness. As such, you will participate in activities that center on your mind, body and soul, such as yoga, exercise and meditation. Green Mountain Treatment Center offers a unique experience in that you can remove yourself entirely from all stresses, pressures and temptations as you recover in complete tranquility.

New Freedom Academy

The remotely located New Freedom Academy is another site of peace and nature dedicated to the rehabilitation of all those in need of drug and alcohol treatment. This rehab facility, part of the Granite Recovery Centers family, specializes in residential and medication-assisted addiction treatments.

This facility has revolutionized treatment programs by offering individual assessments to provide customized treatment plans for each resident. The staff-to-client ratio is ideal for those who need plenty of support. As a resident, you will be able to choose between a variety of recovery therapy types, such as grief and loss, behavioral, dialectical behavioral, group and individual therapy.

The serene location in Canterbury, NH, removes you from the triggers of your daily life so that you can learn how to best manage your addiction without such stresses in a neutral and safe environment. Each resident will have access to motivational outings, including mini-golf, bowling and paintball. You will be privy to an exclusive private chef featuring nutritious meals for all. The professional staff provides educational workshops to assist with your transition after completing the program. Accommodation is separated by gender, and you will have access to meditation and yoga as a way to focus on your mental, spiritual and physical self.

For anyone interested in finding help in recovery for meth addiction, it only takes one phone call to change the future. Help is available, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

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