
Long Term Effects of Adderall

What Is Adderall?

Adderall is a type of stimulant that has been prescribed for the treatment of ADHD and narcolepsy. These conditions can range from mild to severe, and in those cases, it is medically advised to take Adderall. However, Adderall is a chemical cousin of drugs that are prone to making people feel high, which makes it more attractive. As a result, Adderall has addictive qualities and the ability to make people feel a sense of euphoria. Chasing a sense of euphoria from Adderall can lead to a substance use disorder. It’s easy for many to fall into an addiction, but it’s much harder to get out of addiction later without the right kind of guidance and treatment.

The Addictive Potential of Adderall

Adderall is an addictive drug, and you can overdose on it. This is a consequence that must be faced by anyone with a substance use disorder or those who want to help someone who has one. In addition, this medication can also be highly addictive if it’s given to someone for who it was not prescribed for. Once you’re addicted to Adderall, it can be very hard on the body and mind.

Adderall substance use is dangerous because it gives people a high feeling. Adderall is classified by the government as a cocaine-like substance, so it’s extremely important to avoid addiction while taking it. This feeling is unique, and the effect of Adderall can last up to five days. As a result, people are forced to take multiple doses to achieve an overwhelming feeling again. If there is no Adderall available, you will find yourself sinking into withdrawal. This is why some people will not stop as long as there is a chance of getting high again. This is called “chasing the high.”

It usually takes a short amount of time for people who are abusing Adderall to become addicted. After that time, they can’t stop taking it without experiencing severe withdrawals. When they try to quit, they experience fatigue, moodiness, anxiety, depression, and anger as short-term symptoms. The pangs of withdrawal from addiction make it hard to quit, even if you want to. However, it is the long-term effects of Adderall overuse that can be threatening to your health.

In addition to the withdrawal syndrome, it can be difficult to quit Adderall because of its powerful effects on behavior and emotions. People often lose their sense of self when they’re abusing Adderall. They become so obsessed with obtaining a fix that they might do anything to get it. If you or a loved one are addicted to Adderall, it can lead to all kinds of side effects and conditions that can be difficult to circumvent.

Long-Term Effects of Adderall Use

When taken as prescribed, Adderall offers short-term benefits for the individual it was designed to treat. However, it can cause a range of problems for anyone who suffers from an Adderall addiction. Amphetamine-type substances and stimulants cause long-term effects on health. The negative effects of Adderall include:

  • Dizziness
  • Recurring dry mouth
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Blurred vision
  • Skin disorders
  • Heavy loss of appetite
  • Anorexia
  • Severe allergies
  • Severe depression
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

This list of advanced symptoms is just some of the well-documented conditions that can occur from using Adderall for a long time. The way that it affects your body and mind can differ greatly among users. The extent of those effects can be physical, mental, or both.

Physical Effects of Long-Term Adderall Substance Use Disorder

Adderall can also affect the heart in an unexpected way. It’s possible to take so much Adderall that it causes you to stop breathing or your heart to stop. Anyone who has an Adderall addiction is at a higher risk of a heart attack and stroke. Those who have heart conditions (known or undiagnosed) are at an even greater risk. In addition, it makes it harder for the heart to pump blood throughout your body, which can cause chest pain, congestive heart failure or worse.

Although this consequence is rare, others perish from taking the drug intravenously. If Adderall is taken with alcohol or other drugs, the risks to your health rise dramatically. Fortunately, we can help you get the detox treatment necessary to overcome a substance use disorder. Our treatment can protect your heart and preserve your life. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Some damage to your brain from snorting or injecting Adderall can also occur, although it can be reversed. If you have been abusing Adderall, you should get help immediately because this damage happens fast. Adderall can heavily affect brain chemistry and can affect the neurotransmitters that help you remain balanced and functioning normally.

Some people take Adderall so often that they can’t sleep, causing deeper effects. It’s the lack of sleep that also plays a big role in the “crashing” effect that Adderall has. Sleep cycles run amok because their bodies just can’t keep up with the high-energy demands that Adderall puts on them. Less rest ultimately can cause you to crash harder later. The cycle then repeats itself.

Mental Effects of Long-Term Adderall Substance Use Disorder

Dealing with the mental effects of using Adderall can be confusing and a difficult battle to tackle without significant help. Irritability and anxiety conditions, aggressive outbursts and severe depression are common with long-term use. If you or someone you care about is experiencing all kinds of psychological changes, it can lead to an imbalanced household that is stressful for everyone.

A condition known as amphetamine psychosis causes hallucinations and delusions, as well as other symptoms similar to schizophrenia, and it can become an ongoing condition from long-term Adderall use. A personalized detox program can help you or someone you care about successfully treats an Adderall addiction in a safe manner and prevent the devastating symptoms of a substance use disorder.

Ending the Addiction

Adderall may be a good medication for the short-term treatment of ADHD or narcolepsy, but for most people, extended or improper use can lead to serious consequences. Adderall substance use is a threat to health and wellness, and it is imperative for anyone with an Adderall addiction to face the music and get some effective treatment. The long-term effects of Adderall, in many cases, can be quite damaging to people who it was not designed to treat. Whether you or a loved one suffer from a substance use disorder, the right treatment and guidance at the right time can make all of the difference.

To fight for the quality and health of a precious human life over addiction is always worth it. The process of recovery can begin with a commitment to change and a single step forward. A state-of-the-art treatment program can offer the structure that gives you or someone that you care about the power to rise above an Adderall addiction.

Addiction to drugs is more common than many people think, but it does not change the need and urgency for treatment. Denial is a common reason why people don’t get help. This can be because they are in denial of what has happened or because they are in denial about their addiction and don’t believe they have a problem (and therefore don’t want help). Many college students and workers who are addicted to Adderall don’t think that there’s anything wrong with taking it until they harm themselves physically or mentally.

On the other hand, some people feel hopeless and think there’s no point in getting help. This could be because they don’t believe that it will work or because they might have had a problem for so long (with no positive results) that they feel it’s just a waste of time. Some people don’t want treatment for addiction as it will make them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, which they would rather avoid.

Some people are scared of the stigma associated with addiction. In other words, some people don’t want their family, friends or employer to know about their addiction. This could be because they don’t want people’s perception of them to change, or it could be because they’re worried about what might happen if their addiction gets out (for example, they may fear losing their job). However, failing to get help and allowing the long-term effects to build up is even worse. Others don’t know how to go about looking for help. We can help.

Seeking Treatment for Adderall

If you can’t stop without help, make the decision to get help. Reaching out to get help for an addiction is one of the hardest things that you may have to do for yourself or for someone that you love or care about. Very few people are able to stop on their own, and it is suggested to get the help of a compassionate treatment center to succeed. One of the easiest ways to end an addiction is to focus on getting treatment. It’s important to understand that receiving treatment means that you don’t have to suffer from the side effects and other consequences of taking Adderall anymore.

An inpatient treatment center can make it easier to fight a long-term Adderall addiction. This type of treatment lets you get all of the one-on-one time necessary to overcome the addiction. Others do well with an outpatient treatment program. No matter whether you choose an inpatient or outpatient program, it is critical to reach out for help.

We can help you cultivate the motivation and self-discipline necessary to overcome an Adderall addiction. Addiction treatment doesn’t just improve your life, but it also improves the lives of everyone in your family. It’s easier than you think to start recovery — you don’t need a lifelong commitment or anything fancy to move forward. If you’re struggling with addiction, substance use treatment may be exactly what you need to turn your life around and live a fulfilling one.

Help Is Available at Granite Recovery Centers

Adderall is an extremely powerful drug that can change your life dramatically in many negative ways, and fighting an addiction that produces long-term effects is a challenge. If you’re watching a family member or friend struggle with overcoming an Adderall addiction, you can point them in the right direction with Granite Recovery Centers. By taking accountability and signing up for the appropriate treatment program, you or someone you love is making the decision to take control again. It’s important to aim for both health and happiness, and then take the right steps to transcend the battle.

We can connect you or your loved one with all of the support, tools, and resources necessary for effective treatment today. Contact our team at Granite Recovery Centers to get started.

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