
Celebrating Sober Holidays

christmas addiction sober holiday holidays sobrietyThe holidays can be a stressful time with plenty of expectations that can lead to disappointment. Seeing friends and family can be a blessing but can also add some additional stress. The stressors, along with the flow of alcohol present at most holiday events, can make sober holidays in Portland, Maine difficult. It’s an important time for anyone in recovery to have resources for sober holidays. Now is the time to reach out to a therapist, attend group meetings, and connect with other sober friends after attending inpatient drug rehab programs in New Hampshire.


Have a Strategy in Place for Sober Holidays

Develop a relapse prevention plan to help protect your sobriety ahead of the holiday events and activities that can trigger a relapse. This means going to 12-step meetings before the event or attending the festivities with a sober friend. Make sure you can leave at any time and aren’t dependent on someone else for transportation. Your plan for sober holidays should also include a before and after a telephone call to someone, such as a sponsor, you trust in recovery. You are allowed to limit your time in stressful situations and have an escape plan. Part of recovery is having the awareness of places or people that could trigger you and then have the strategy for sobriety in those situations.


Adjust Your Attitude For a Sober Holiday

Speak with an addiction treatment therapist in Portland, ME about the expectations and emotions you have wrapped up in the holiday season. It can be easy to start replaying childhood experiences during this time of year. It’s important to remember that coworkers, friends, and loved ones are also probably feeling stressed and tired during the holidays. This realization can help you adjust your attitude and lower expectations.


Do Some Good During your Sober Holiday

The holidays can be a good time to share your gratitude and joy with others. Look for ways to be of service to others. Spend time with a homebound neighbor, volunteer to serve a meal at a homeless shelter, or reach out to a newcomer at a meeting. There are many different ways to give back and be of service, especially during this season. This helps strengthen your sober holiday in Cape Cod.


Be Mindful of What You Are Drinking

At social gatherings, if you don’t want to explain yourself, you can have a beverage in your hand. If you ask someone to get you a beverage then he or she may not know your situation and may bring you an alcoholic drink. If you pick up the wrong one and drink some alcohol, this doesn’t mean that you will relapse. Tell someone who understands recovery about your experience and move past it.


Avoid Known Risks against Your Sober Holidays

If you know a certain family member is going to question you about rehab or make you a stiff drink, it’s okay to stay away. Staying sober and safeguarding recovery should always come first.


Practice Self Care

Now it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself. Gentle exercise, proper nutrition, and good sleep can do wonders for your well-being. The better you feel physically, the better you will be emotionally. Be sure to nourish your spirit with personal reflection. Find quiet time each day for meditation and relaxation, no matter how busy you are. Get in the habit of a self-care routine, which you’ll learn all about at our holistic addiction therapy program.


Pay Attention After the Holidays

Just because you succeeded in sober holidays, you still need to pay attention to how you feel after the holidays. Those in recovery are vulnerable to relapse after the holidays because of the buildup and stress that can come during this time of year. Recovery is a one day at a time process, no matter what season you are in.


Holiday Party Survival Tips

There will be plenty of parties during the holiday seasons so it helps to have some tips to survive this particular part of the season.

  • Avoid being too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (HALT) before attending a party
  • Figure out a desirable non-alcoholic drink in advance
  • For mandatory events, show up early, make the rounds to key people, and then once the room starts filling you can leave
  • Try not to hang out near the bar
  • Be active and dance so you can get your mind off the notion of not drinking

Some may consider the holidays an inappropriate time to get help at a qualified rehab center when, in fact, it could be an ideal opportunity. Contact (855) 712-7784 to get the help you need to celebrate sober holidays.

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