
Living with Your Parents After Rehab

Going to rehab was a big step. We know everyone has a different story, and we also know each story has some hardships. Now, you have to move on to the next chapter in your life. Some people get back to their regular lives, but others don’t for various reasons. Some people move in with their parents after rehab, which may be the right decision.


The Financial Toll

Victims of a substance use disorder come from every financial background. Some folks are financially wealthy, and those folks may go back to their lives without any financial setbacks. Others, however, may face money problems.

People who are struggling financially may have big setbacks after getting out of rehabilitation. Granite Recovery Centers has seen what these setbacks can do to a person. Pressures like rent and general responsibilities could get to you. Sometimes, it gets so bad that some people fall back into their disorder.

Substance use disorders are harder to defeat when you don’t have much, which is a sad fact. This is the reason that moving in with parents after rehab can be helpful. It takes some of that pressure off.

While moving in with your parents is likely a positive thing, it’s also important to discuss some of the cons of moving back home. We’re going to talk about both the pros and cons of living with your parents so that you understand what you’re getting into and know how to navigate what’s coming next.


What Are the Benefits of Living With Your Parents?

Yes, there are some real benefits to staying with your parents even if you don’t feel like doing so. Take a look at the following benefits that you may experience:

  1. Supportive Voices
    One thing you’ll have at home is supportive voices. You need this more than you can imagine. The number of people who are not able to stay clean after rehab is higher than we’d like to see.
    You’re going to face several challenges out of rehab. You’re going to have to figure out what you’re going to do about a job. You need to try to mend relationships that might have been hurt during your substance use disorder. You’re going to have to deal with the aftermath of your issue. All of this can be troubling and hard to handle. Having your parents there by your side can make it easier to tackle challenging situations.
  2. Navigating Bad Influences
    After getting out of rehab, you will likely face bad influences and other triggers that could lead you to use again. These could include friends or bad habits, like going to bars. Handling these situations is going to be easier with your parents around. If those bad influences call, your parents can help you avoid them. They can also help ensure you don’t visit those places you used to go to that could hinder your growth. At Granite Recovery Centers, we ensure that you know how to avoid triggers, but having an extra level of support can be highly beneficial. Even if they can sometimes get on your nerves, your parents are coming from a good place, and they are going to try to help you stay on the path you want to be on.
  3. Stress Reduction
    Stressful events can make it difficult to stay on the path to sobriety. The number of people who relapse because of a stressful event is significant, but staying with your parents reduces the chances of dealing with some of the stressful events that could lead to a relapse. Getting fired or laid off or being in some sort of financial crisis are stressful events that your parents are going to help with. This is obvious since they’ll make sure you have food and a roof over your head while you get back on your feet.
    There are other stresses your parents can help with as well, like the death of a family member or friend. Divorce or a separation from your partner could also hit you hard and even harder if you don’t have anyone there supporting you. Having a shoulder to lean on during times of trouble is incredibly important, especially now that you’re learning to navigate life free from drugs and alcohol.
  4. Establishing Routines
    Many people recovering from substance use disorder neglect their routines. While this may seem like a minor issue, it can lead to setbacks. Good habits help you stay on track because they get your mind off of things you don’t want to think about right now.
    The routines your parents can help you with could be things like cooking, cleaning, and just caring for yourself again. A person going through rehab may lose track of these sorts of daily tasks. The reason some of these things are vital is that feeling normal is important. People who go through rehab and go through substance use disorder sometimes feel out of touch. They feel like they don’t belong here, but doing simple things like cooking or cleaning can establish a sense of normalcy.
    Being at home where those tasks are appreciated will make you feel at peace and make you feel like your life is getting back to normal. Sure, maybe getting a job is going to be harder, but at least you’re going to start feeling like you can take care of things again.
    Keep in mind that a healthy routine involves more than just mundane daily tasks. It could include exercise, meditation, finding a new hobby, or even reading. Taking up all of these tasks should be much easier for you knowing that you have a safety net in the form of your parents supporting you.


These are just some of the benefits of staying with your parents after rehab, but there are many more. The nostalgia of being where you grew up can be powerful. Staying with your parents also means you’ll be spending quality time with people you love. Hearing them out and absorbing their wise life advice is helpful.


What Are the Cons of Staying With Parents?

Just as there are benefits to staying at home with your parents, there are also some cons you need to be aware of. The following are some of those:

  1. Shame
    Your parents love you, but that doesn’t mean they’ll always do everything right. Ideally, your parents will attend classes where they’ll learn how to support you properly, but that doesn’t mean they’ll do so.
    Depending on your relationship with them and the past, things might not go as well as they should. One thing you might deal with is shame. Maybe you did things to break your parent’s trust, so they might treat you like a criminal in the home, and this could trigger bad thoughts.
    Feeling shame for a past substance use disorder is incredibly damaging and could lead to a relapse. Keep in mind that you might experience some sober shaming outside of your household, so this would be additional pressure. Feeling shame could make living with your parents challenging.
    The good thing is that you can go to family therapy to deal with these issues. On top of that, you can also create a safe space where you can communicate your feelings. Allow your parents to express their emotions, too. Communication is the key here, and that’s how you can make this problem a little better.
    Another type of shame that should be pointed out is the social shame you might feel. Moving back to your parent’s house has a social stigma attached to it. You’ve just overcome one of the hardest things to overcome, but you may still feel guilt or embarrassment because you had to retreat to your parents’ home. You may also feel annoyed and even depressed. Social pressure may not seem like a big deal, but it can affect you negatively.
  2. Lack of Freedom
    Staying with your parents could also affect your freedom. You’ve been through a lot and want your life to go back to normal in a healthy way. Even if your parents mean well, they may have difficulty giving you your full independence.
    They may be afraid that you’ll do something you aren’t supposed to, and you can’t blame them for having that fear. This links to your past that we just talked about, but it also affects your freedom. Part of the reason you went through rehabilitation is that you wanted to reclaim your life. Moving back to your parents might feel like you don’t have the freedom you worked so hard for. This could hurt your motivation to stay clean, and that’s not a good thing. Incredibly independent people are going to feel this more than others. Maybe you won’t be free to do the things you want, but there’s still freedom inside your house, so do your best to make that count.
    You should talk to your parents about the kinds of things they’ll be comfortable with because part of reclaiming your life involves reclaiming your freedom, and they need to understand that. It’s important to establish boundaries when you move back. Your parents need to be able to trust you enough because you’re still an adult, and privacy does matter.
  3. Feeling Too Comfortable
    You might be moving back home because you’re dealing with a financial hurdle that’s hard to come back from, but being at your parent’s house could also hurt you. Sometimes, knowing that your parents will take care of you could make it harder for you to get out there and look for a job. The motivation to move out may be strong, but comfort can do a number on you. The feeling you get knowing that someone is taking care of everything for you is powerful, especially for you since you’ve been through so much. One thing you can do is make a list of the things you’re looking forward to once you move out, and let those things encourage you to continue pushing.
    That’s not the only problem some folks face when living with their parents. Sometimes, you might overspend. Yes, since most of your bills are taken care of, you may splurge on other items and activities, and this could prevent you from achieving financial independence.
    You know that moving out costs a good amount of money, but you won’t be able to save the money you need if you continue to spend it. You have the time to work on your money management skills after rehab. It’s time to get on this because you probably don’t want to stay with your parents forever. You can take free online management classes and download apps to help you stay on track.


Now you know why moving back with your parents may be necessary and why it’s a good thing to prepare for it. At Granite Recovery Centers, we’ve seen people relapse because they didn’t have the right support following rehab. If you’re fortunate enough to have a supportive family that’s willing to help you, accepting that help is a good idea. Just make sure you understand how to navigate this change, and be sure to follow through with the things you learned in rehab and continue to learn on your path to recovery.

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