How to Quit using Kratom?

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For 10 years, the staff at Granite Recovery Centers has been doing our part to help people dealing with substance use disorders. Any drug can be abused, and kratom is one of the newest drugs abused by clients who seek help at our facility. Kratom continues to grow in popularity in the United States, which makes it easier for people to become dependent on it.

Most people don’t take kratom abuse seriously because of the way it’s consumed. Some people use it as a supplement, adding a little to shakes, or make tea with it. The way it’s used and marketed could be one reason why kratom continues to fly under the radar. Most people assume that it’s harmless, so there’s no reason to worry. However, people have developed substance use disorder because of it.

Have You Become Dependent on Kratom?

It’s easy to see why people use kratom; the plant is a stimulant. People report all kinds of positive feelings from its use, from increased energy and stamina to relaxation.

Some people use kratom for pain management. Chronic pain is a problem throughout the nation, and such pain can be unbearable. Sadly, not everyone can afford to go to the doctor for ongoing treatment, so many turn to alternatives like kratom to manage pain.

People also use kratom to fight depression and anxiety. Kratom has even been used in the battle against opioid abuse. Opioid use disorder is scary, so finding an alternative could be helpful, but that’s a red flag for how powerful the effects of kratom can be.

The attraction to kratom is understandable, which probably makes it more dangerous. A problem occurs when people use higher doses over a long period of time, which leads to dependency. Some people tend to develop substance use disorder faster than others. There’s no way of knowing if you’re the kind of person who can develop this disorder easily.

Our treatment programs at Granite Recovery Centers aim to help individuals who are dependent on or addicted to kratom. It’s important to learn when you or a loved one has become dependent so that you know what steps to take next.

Signs of Kratom Dependence

The following are some signs you should look out for, but remember that all of these may not be present. A lot depends on how much is being taken and on the person taking it. Still, the following are signs of a potential problem:

  • A person may have a problem if he or she uses kratom excessively, which means more than a few times a day.
  • If a person starts to use large amounts, there could be a problem. This usually happens because small amounts of kratom don’t produce the same effects.
  • If kratom is the only thing you think about or that your loved one thinks about, then a problem may be brewing.
  • A person has a problem if kratom becomes a priority at the expense of important financial necessities. Substance use disorder often leads to financial problems.
  • When a person lies about how much kratom is being consumed, then it’s time for help.
  • A change in behavior after taking kratom like extreme lethargy or being too talkative could be highlighting an issue.
  • If someone experiences physical ailments like stomach issues or digestion issues after taking it but this doesn’t deter the person from taking more of it later, then there could be a problem.

Any of these signs could be telling you or your loved one that you need help. Quitting at this point might feel impossible on your own, so it’s recommended to seek professional assistance.

If substance use disorder has taken hold of you, you’ll need to talk to one of our representatives at Granite Recovery Centers. We can explain more about our evidence-based treatment options that will help you or your loved one overcome this disorder.

Without help, substance use disorder is only going to get worse. It will continue to derail your life or the life of your loved one. Addressing this problem as soon as possible is the only way to avoid the harmful effects on your finances, relationships and physical health.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Keep in mind that quitting kratom is similar to quitting an opioid use disorder. You may have heard how strong opioids are and how dangerous they can be. Kratom use disorder can produce some similar withdrawal symptoms.

The following are some things you could experience while trying to quit:

  • Someone attempting to quit might experience varying degrees of irritability, often contrary to that person’s normal state.
  • Some might experience varying degrees of dysphoria, which could get pretty unsettling.
  • Nausea is something many people experience when they’re trying to quit kratom.
  • A person may experience diarrhea when attempting to quit. Keep in mind that this issue could cause other problems like dehydration.
  • Some people could experience insomnia, which could lead to mood problems, a poor immune system and much more.
  • A few people develop mild to severe myalgia. The pain could be debilitating.
  • Every so often, people deal with rhinorrhea when attempting to quit. This could be uncomfortable and could lead to other issues.

It’s important to note that these are just some of the things a person could experience when they’re trying to quit. None of these symptoms are easy to manage, which is the reason you or your loved one is going to need some help going through detox and quitting kratom for good. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Quitting on your own and facing these things will make the process unnecessarily challenging. You don’t need any additional challenges right now. If you want to find out more about what you can expect, then please don’t hesitate to call Granite Recovery Centers. The reason we’re here is to clear the path to recovery. We’re here to give every person an opportunity to reclaim their lives.

Our staff has compassionate counselors and addiction specialists. No one here sees this disorder as a choice; we treat it like an illness in need of medical attention. You may not think that’s a big deal now, but treating kratom use disorder for what it is can make you feel better about your situation. We know that deciding to quit isn’t easy, and we want to honor that decision by making the transition to recovery and long-lasting sobriety as smooth as possible.

How Can You Quit Using Kratom?

Quitting may be simple for people who have used this drug a few times. If you’ve used the substance regularly, then you’re going to have to try a different approach.

Kratom is closely related to coffee. Understanding this can help people see that quitting isn’t a simple task if you’ve been using it regularly, even if dosages are relatively small.

People who drink coffee can’t usually stop drinking it cold turkey. Their bodies and brains have become accustomed to coffee. In essence, they’ve become dependent on it. It’s surprising to recognize how many people might be dependent on coffee; they don’t make a big deal about “needing” coffee because the beverage isn’t scary to anyone. It’s a socially acceptable dependency. Still, knowing how hard it is for a person who’s become dependent on coffee to quit can help you understand how you’re going to have to approach a mild dependency on kratom.

First, you want to commit to the idea of slowing down. Quitting is as much about action as it is about mental preparation, so give yourself time to commit to it. Some people find it helpful to tell others that they’re going to quit using kratom. This creates accountability and makes it easier to stick to your goal.

Once you’re done with that, you can move on to decreasing the amount of kratom you use in a day. Lower your dosage a bit. Try to gauge how you feel. If you feel like you’ve taken it down too much, add a little more until you feel relatively comfortable.

It might feel strange to lower your dosage so slowly, but you have to give your brain and body time to adjust. Taking kratom even in low dosages creates a chemical dependency. Your body expects that same amount of kratom every

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