
What Are Dependent Stressors and Why Are They Important?

What Are Dependent Stressors and Why Are They Important?

What are dependent stressors, and why are they so important to recovery? Stressors and addiction are closely linked, and a PTSD Treatment Program New Hampshire can help you address them. Here’s what you need to know.

What Are Dependent Stressors?

An independent stressor is a stress factor that occurs no matter what you do, whereas a dependent stressor is a stress factor that depends on your own actions and emotions. Dependent stressors aren’t your fault, rather, understanding why you engage with stressors is an important part of determining the factors involved in your own addiction and getting treatment through recreational therapy programs.

Here are some examples of these stressors:

  • Losing your job, due to poor performance. You could improve your performance, but instead, you may choose to perform badly because of your anxiety regarding poor performance.
  • Connecting with dangerous individuals. You might need to connect with dangerous individuals due to an addiction, or may simply hang out with a bad crowd because of depression.
  • Being late with your rent. It’s possible that you ran out of money because of addiction, or just because you lost your job. Either way, it’s dependent on your behavior, even if you may have limited control over the situation.

It’s important to note that there is no blame assigned here. It’s possible that someone may lose money due to their addiction, but that doesn’t mean that this was their fault. Since their addiction is the cause, they may not have complete control over the situation. But it’s important that they get help as soon as possible.

The fault is never important when it comes to mental health. Rather, it’s important to identify the issues that lead to problems and to eliminate those issues so that the problems can be resolved.

What’s the Link Between Dependent Stressors, Depression, and Addiction?

It’s been discovered that stressors lead to higher incidences of depression. Those who have higher levels of depression are also more likely to have addiction issues. Further, addiction and depression can also lead to higher levels of these stressors, which creates a cyclic effect. If there are stressors in your life, you’re more likely to turn to addiction for help.

Long-term stressors can severely impact an individual’s life, and cause changes in the way that they react to other issues. This is one of the ways in which PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) can emerge. Whether stressors are dependent or independent really doesn’t matter for this; regardless, you may find yourself with high levels of stress.

Reducing stressors can lead to greater levels of health overall, but it can take some work. Many stressors have become habits, or have become more extensive overtime. A person can become used to their stressors and can continue to engage with these stressors as a matter of course. It can take professional help to identify these issues.

How Can You Control Your Stressors?

When it comes to stressors, it’s important to reduce or eliminate the ones that you are in control of, which are the dependent ones. If you’re concerned about your job, you can find a job that is less stressful, or work to improve your performance. If you’re in an unhealthy environment, you can move into a more healthy one. Of course, these things are easier said than done, and often it’s important to get help first with individual therapy programs.

Some stressors simply cannot be avoided. Things like the loss of a loved one, for instance, can be a serious stressor that impacts an individual’s mood or leads them towards addiction, and there’s no way to avoid this stressor. But it’s still possible to find healthy, mindful ways of managing this stress, especially with the help of professionals.

If you have found that your life is full of stressors and that it’s leading to depression, addiction, or other health issues, it’s time to take control. Call to Join Granite Recovery Centers today at (855) 712-7784.


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