

Deciding to seek treatment for substance abuse is the first step in getting the help you need. Though you can pay out of pocket for a stay in a treatment center, many insurance plans allow coverage for substance use disorder. One company that offers coverage for those with addiction issues is AmeriHealth. At Granite Recovery Centers, we offer different forms of treatment for those ready to start down the road to recovery and can help you better understand your insurance coverage.

The History of AmeriHealth

More than 250,000 people have insurance through AmeriHealth. Founded in 1995, it originally served as a health insurance provider for those in Pennsylvania and was known as Delaware Valley HMO. Employers located in the state could obtain coverage for their workers. It then expanded its reach to include those living in several counties in New Jersey. In 2013, AmeriHealth began offering more coverage and plans for those who signed up through the health insurance marketplace through the Affordable Care Act.

AmeriHealth Plans

AmeriHealth currently offers several different types of plans, including those for:

  • Individuals
  • Families
  • Business owners with more than 50 employees
  • Business owners with fewer than 50 employees
  • Those on Medicare

Another option is a health savings account (HSA) where you add money to your account every year. Any of the cash that you do not spend will grow by 2% and give you more money for the future. AmeriHealth has PPO, HMO, and EPO plans as well as an HMO plan for those 65 or older and the Copper Advantage Plan that you can purchase for yourself or your family.

The AmeriHealth network allows you to see regional preferred or local network providers. Local value providers offer more affordable rates so you pay little to nothing out of pocket.

Medicare Plans

AmeriHealth offers health insurance plans that work with Medicare. Those with certain health conditions may qualify for Medicare. It’s also open to those who are 65 or older and younger people with disabilities. AmeriHealth also has Medigap plans that bridge the gap between what the government covers and what you owe. Medicare typically pays for hospital stays and doctors’ appointments as well as outpatient services and home health visits. AmeriHealth Medigap plans will cover the expenses you face after Medicare pays out. You can purchase a Medigap plan during the open enrollment period every year.

Tele-Behavioral Health

AmeriHealth is one of the first health insurance providers in the nation to offer tele-behavioral health support. This allows you to seek help from a behavioral specialist without leaving your home. You simply log into the system and create an account that includes information from your ID card. The site lets you read and learn more about each specialist before choosing one to talk with over your computer or phone.

Help for Substance Use Disorder

One of the top benefits of choosing AmeriHealth is that it comes with benefits for those who have problems with alcohol or drugs. AmeriHealth plans include coverage for hospital visits such as an emergency room visit after an overdose. Your plan may also cover inpatient and outpatient substance abuse and mental health treatment. Often, a substance use disorder co-occurs with other mental health disorders. Treatment for dual diagnosis patients may require specialized care, like that offered by Granite Recovery Centers, and is often covered by AmeriHealth.

With AmeriHealth, you can get help for substance use disorder regardless of what drug you used. Some of the most common substances that people seek treatment for are:

  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Crystal meth
  • Prescription drugs
  • Opioids
  • Alcohol

Many patients deal with addictions to more than one of these substances. For instance, when you use a prescription painkiller and have a difficult time obtaining more of that drug, you may turn to heroin and other illegal drugs to cope with your pain. During your assessment, the professional medical staff can identify your addictions and treatment that will help you get to the root of your issues.

The average cost of rehab varies based on what program you choose and how long you need the treatment to last. Coverage for treatment typically includes meetings with doctors and other specialists as well as any therapy that you need. The primary goal is that, when you complete treatment, you feel confident that you can live without drugs and other substances.

Initial Assessment

Before beginning any type of treatment, you need to undergo an evaluation by a qualified medical professional. This is usually covered by AmeriHealth. During this assessment, you’ll answer questions about your medical history and drug use. Depending on the results, you may be referred to either inpatient or outpatient treatment.


It’s necessary to clear the substances you used from your system before beginning treatment. This is detox, and it might be done at home, at a detox center, or at the facility where you will undergo treatment. Detox at a treatment center gives you a safe place to stay as you wait for the substances to leave your system. Some patients will require a medically supervised detox and may need medications to combat the potentially fatal effects of withdrawal.

Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Outpatient Treatment

AmeriHealth can cover an array of outpatient treatment options. This includes treatment for substance abuse with or without a co-occurring mental health condition. With some plans, you do not pay any out-of-pocket costs once you hit your deductible. Other plans require that you meet your deductible and then pay a portion for each visit that you need.

Inpatient Treatment

While outpatient programs are suitable for those with mild addictions who have a strong support system, many people benefit from inpatient intensive treatment. When your assessment indicates that you require inpatient treatment, you’ll find that AmeriHealth can cover your rehabilitation. Many of the plans that AmeriHealth offers will cover your complete stay in a center as long as you reach your deductible. This may require that you pay out of pocket until you reach your deductible. If you have an EPO plan, you face a possible co-pay for the first five days of your stay after meeting your deductible. Other AmeriHealth plans ask you to pay co-insurance, a percentage of your costs after you reach your deductible.

Granite Recovery Centers

At Granite Recovery Centers, we highly recommend that you meet with us or give one of our facilities a call to go over your insurance plan and make sure that you have the coverage you need. For inpatient care, you typically need to show that your addiction is dangerous to your health and that not getting help will hurt you. This may come from a drug and alcohol assessment or from your primary care physician or another doctor. Once you know what level of treatment you will need, you can find out how much coverage you have for your rehabilitation.

Programs at Granite Recovery Centers Facilities

Granite Recovery Centers offers a range of programs designed to fit a variety of needs. We can help you decide the type of program that will best help you on the road to recovery. We employ both traditional methods, such as individual and group therapy, as well as unique options, like yoga, in our holistic approach to treatment. We want you to learn principles that can help you relieve stress and avoid using drugs. We even offer group outings to participate in activities like bowling and mini-golf.

As you work on your sobriety, you need to focus on your recovery without any distractions stopping you. Men and women are housed and treated separately at our facilities because they often have different reasons for using as well as face different issues in their treatment. Each group therapy session that you attend allows you to share stories about your past that you may not want to talk about in front of the opposite sex. Our programs also address unique issues that affect each sex.

Moving beyond your substance abuse issue often requires more than just focusing on your addiction. That’s why we offer different modes of therapy. Though it’s normal to feel angry at times, it’s not normal to lose control of your anger every day or to fly off the handle at simple problems. Along with anger management programs, we offer dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) that can help you learn how to control and manage your anger. This type of therapy can also help you tackle any suicidal thoughts you have and increase your chances of successfully completing one of our treatment programs.

When working with Granite Recovery Centers, you’ll find other types of therapy that can help you, too. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often helpful in identifying triggers. A trigger can be something as simple as someone cutting you off in traffic to something such as fireworks going off outside. CBT helps you to be aware of these triggers that can cause your cravings and teaches you how to use healthier outlets. We also offer trauma therapy as a way to move beyond childhood and adult traumas as well as grief and loss therapy.

Relapse Prevention

One of the key tenants of our programs is relapse prevention. Getting clean and sober means nothing if you immediately relapse after leaving a treatment facility. Up to 60% of those who used drugs in the past will relapse at least once. You might relapse after a stressful day at work or because you have cravings that worsen when you’re around certain people.

A relapse can increase your risk of suffering an overdose. The time you spend away from that substance reduces your tolerance. If you take a high dose similar to what you used before, your body may not be able to handle that amount. Our programs teach you tips and methods that you can use to manage stress and significantly reduce your risk of relapsing when you leave.

An aftercare program when you leave one of the Granite Recovery Centers treatment facilities is essential to ongoing recovery. This may include formal outpatient treatment, individual therapy, and strong recommendations to participate in a 12-step program.

Virtual Treatments and More

At Granite Recovery Centers, we implemented virtual treatments during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 as a way to assist those who did not want to or could not visit us in person. No matter what type of treatment appeals to you, you can choose the best program and therapies that will help you recover from a substance abuse problem. Call us today to learn more about what your AmeriHealth plan covers and how you can use it at a Granite Recovery Centers facility.

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Millions of people have changed their relationship with substances, cut back on how much they’re using, or stopped using altogether. You can too.

Everyone’s wellbeing journey is different. This website will help you find the resources, support, and community to create your own path. You may face challenges along the way, but combining the power of hope with practical guidance and tools, you’ll be taking steps towards better health.