
5 Books to Help Strengthen Your Recovery

When beginning our recovery journey, we are often taught to listen to and heed advice from those who have walked the path before us. This is because addiction, at its core, is a selfish disease fueled by the substance we become intrinsically tethered to, and by the time we are in the throes of it, we only listen to its directives to keep us from feeling uncomfortable. Getting sober is about putting down the drugs and alcohol, and beginning anew. 

Once we open our eyes to the world we’ve been removed from for so long, there is so much to learn and see, and we’re navigating it as we never have before. It’s akin to having sea legs, and we must learn to walk and adapt. Therefore, communication and guidance are of utmost importance. They can come in the form of support groups, sponsorship, therapy, addiction treatment professionals, and more 

Substances such as drugs and alcohol have a major hindrance on our brain chemistry, so it will take relearning and rewiring during the initial stages of recovery. Beyond the foundational vehicles of guidance mentioned above, we can do further homework to enrich our recovery journey on an individual level by reading literature that can guide us in the right direction. Reading is not only a fantastic way to strengthen your mind, it is also a valuable habit to get into for creating new and mindful routines. 


Books to Enrich Your Recovery Journey

Below we’ve outlined 5 titles we suggest adding to your bookshelf that others have found helpful along the way.

  1. The Big Book of A.A.  Bill W. and Dr. BobPerhaps the book most commonly associated with alcoholism, the Big Book is an older text that examines the disease of addiction and details the 12 Step process. Many in the program credit the Big Book with helping them to not only achieve lasting sobriety, but also find serenity within themselvesThe language can be a bit difficult to follow upon first reading (it was first written in 1939!), so it is recommended to go over with a sponsor or someone who knows the book well. Other variations include Daily Reflections, The Way Bill Sees ItJust for TodayTwelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, and Living Sober. 
  2. Real People, Real Recovery: Overcoming Addiction in Modern America – Eric Spofford and Piers Kaniuka: A modern and timely book that discusses the opioid epidemic, the role of Big Pharma, and the current state of addiction in America. Within its pages, personal stories are interwoven with detailed explanation of the 12-Step process and dislocation theory. It also examines how to choose the right treatment center for yourself or a loved one, and why connection, meaning, and purpose are essential for an individual to achieve lasting recovery. Co-written by our very own CEO, Eric Spofford. 
  3. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)  don Miguel Ruiz: This powerful read sheds light on the beliefs we have about ourselves that shape our perception as we move through life and interact with others. It offers four simple rules to live by that are especially helpful when one is on the precipice of a life change, such as getting sober, and aims to help us abandon self-imposed limitations that may be hindering our growth and potential. The philosophical wisdom Ruiz provides can help alter your mindset so you can begin living a more productive and fulfilling life.
  4. Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself  Melody BeattieHailed as a modern classic and often used in conjunction with the 12 Steps, Beattie’s book aims to address the codependency that often accompanies addiction. It offers insight into what codependency is and the many forms it can take for both addicts and their loved ones. The resulting book is a blend of Beattie’s own personal journey, meditative reflections on breaking free from the cycle of codependencymindfulness exercises, and positive guidance for you to incorporate into your own healing process. 
  5. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment – Eckhart Tolle: Often referenced for its worldwide success (it’s been translated into 30+ languages since its first publication), Tolle’s book outlines how one can tap into their own spirituality. As meditation is an important practice for those in recovery, this book is especially helpful for those wishing to discover more about themselves and escalate their mindfulness to achieve enlightenment and awareness. Tolle explains the importance of living in the present and how doing so can liberate us from the anchors acquired through an addiction. 

With all the literature currently on the market to choose from, it can be difficult to find the right one for you or your loved one. The list above is a great place to start, whether authored by a championed spiritual heavyweight, or the tried-and-true Big Book written way back when—you can’t go wrong. Knowledge is the best way to sharpen your routine, heighten your awareness, and be more attuned to what works for your recovery and what doesn’t. We encourage you to try our suggestions, but also implore you to be open to recommendations others might give along the way. You never know when something will hit you just right—something that may make a great difference in your life. 


Treatment at Granite Recovery Centers 

The above texts can help to strengthen your recovery and may serve as helpful guides for the loved ones of someone suffering with an addiction, but they are not preventative or equivalent to receiving professional help. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use disorder, seeking professional addiction treatment may be the best option. 

At Granite Recovery Centers, our caring and professional team of specialists can help you or your loved one discuss your treatment options. With therapy, life skills training, a supportive community, and a beautiful and healthy environment, our drug and alcohol abuse programs can help you address your addiction and begin your path toward new and healthy life in recovery. 

Many of us at Granite Recovery Centers have walked this very same path, and are happy to answer any questions you may have for yourself or your loved one. Please give us a call today at 855.712.7784. 

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Millions of people have changed their relationship with substances, cut back on how much they’re using, or stopped using altogether. You can too.

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