
Does BCBS Insurance Cover Rehab?

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Cover Addiction Treatment?

Seeking treatment for addiction can be a life-changing event. It may also be overwhelming when you add in other factors, such as insurance coverage. While rehab is costly, many health care policies will cover addiction treatment. You can count on Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) to cover you throughout your treatment. Read on to learn more about navigating through the insurance process so that you can seek or continue rehab without any worries.

About Blue Cross Blue Shield

Since 1929, BCBS has been providing affordable health care coverage to all Americans. Throughout the country, 96% of hospitals and 95% of doctors have a contract with BCBS. Considering these figures, it’s no surprise that BCBS covers more people than any other insurer in the country. In addition, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association features over 36 independent, locally operated, and community-based companies. BCBS is also a part of the Federal Employee Program. With that, more than half of the countrys in-network care providers. For many of these providers, they have signed a contract with BCBS, and they will offer service at a discounted rate for their patients. If you have an HMO plan, you’ll need to find a provider in your network for addiction treatment. In many cases, you must be referred to a treatment center by your primary care provider (PCP). If you have a preferred provider organization (PPO) policy, you have more flexibility than those with an HMO plan. You can seek care out of your network. While this might seem like a benefit, these out-of-network services are usually covered at a lower percentage. With a PPO, you can look for treatment services and medical care through different health providers. However, you can expect to pay more for these services. A PPO plan does not require you to get a service referral from your PCP. You have the freedom to look for special medical or mental health services on your own.

Do I Have Other Options?

There is another option from BCBS. With an HSA, or health savings account, you can place money in an account and pay for your health care services. This plan allows you to have a flexible and tax-free way to spend money on your addiction treatment. With BCBS insurance, there are “metal tiers” to your coverage. These tiers can vary from state to state. However, there are usually about three or four options, such as Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. With these options, there are different levels of care and costs associated with addiction treatment.

How Does a Copay Work?

While your insurance company will cover some expenses, you are required to provide a copay for services. These out-of-pocket costs must be paid when you receive health care services from your provider. The copays are required for emergency care, but you might not pay for a visit to your primary care provider. BCBS sets the specific amount of the copay, and it can differ depending on your treatment needs. A copay is collected when you use the specialty services, and it is often put towards your deductible. These out-of-pocket costs are also considered a part of your annual insurance maximums.

Treatment Options With BCBS

If you have drug or alcohol addiction issues, they are classified as both physical and mental health diseases. There are many options for your treatment. Of course, you’ll want to choose one that will fit into your plan for recovery.

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