
South Burlington Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

South Burlington Alcohol & Drug Rehab Options

South Burlington Addiction Treatment Resources

South Burlington and the state of Vermont have a lot to offer its residents. Despite having a low poverty rate and a rising per capita income rate, the city and state have not been immune to the drug overdose and alcohol use epidemics that have overtaken the United States.

Vermont’s officials have received praise from its residents, federal government officials, and the media for taking a proactive approach against the epidemic that continues to claim lives on a daily basis. In Burlington, city leadership took it upon themselves to reduce the stigma that surrounds addiction. Government members also began prescribing medicine that weans those addicted to opioids in greater numbers. Essentially, a hub-and-spoke model was adopted. In business, this model promotes efficiency. Therefore, patients who are being diagnosed with an addiction to opioids or an overdose are being treated in a timely manner.

Those who are experiencing addiction to any drug or who may be abusing alcohol are encouraged to seek help. In South Burlington, there are plenty of options available to you, especially because city leaders and the community have taken a proactive stance on the issue.

Drug and Alcohol Use and Overdose Statistics

When you take a look at the statistics, understanding what they are referencing is important. Deaths from opioid overdoses have increased in the United States consistently from 1999 to 2017. When researchers and medical professionals reference opioids, they are talking about prescription medications as well as non-prescribed types. Opioids include heroin and synthetic opioids like fentanyl.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classifies opioids in four categories:

  • Natural
  • Methadone
  • Synthetic
  • Heroin

Natural opioids include morphine and codeine. Methadone is considered a standalone synthetic opioid. Synthetic opioids include tramadol and fentanyl whereas heroin is defined as an illicit opioid that is synthesized from morphine.

From 1999-2017, at least 399,000 people died from overdoses involving any opioid. It is estimated that this epidemic came to be in three waves that started in the 1990s, 2010, and 2013, respectively. In 2010, medical professionals saw an increase in heroin use among those who were overdosing and visiting the emergency room. At that time, they did not realize that prescription opioids were leading to the increase in heroin use.

Today, medical professionals are better equipped to get a hold of the alarming epidemic as is evidenced by communities like South Burlington because they have become proactive instead of reactive.

In terms of Vermont, here are some statistics to consider:

  • 111 deaths in 2019 represent a 15% decrease from 130 deaths in 2018. The rate of death in 2019 is 17.7 fatalities per 100,000 Vermonters
  • In 2017, Vermont providers wrote 50.5 opioid prescriptions for every 100 persons. This was among the lowest prescribing rates across the United States. The rate was also lower than the average national rate, which was 58.7 prescriptions.

Vermont also saw residents struggling with binge drinking and marijuana use among the youth, and 20% of adults in Vermont reported excessively drinking alcohol. In 2017, 34% of high school students in Burlington and Chittenden County used marijuana frequently. This is partly due to the fact that the substance can be consumed legally for medical and recreational purposes without legal repercussions.

Reasons to Get Help for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

In order to get help for drug and alcohol addiction, you have to admit that you have a problem first. Unless you are ordered by a court of law to enter into a rehabilitation program, you have to accept treatment on a voluntary basis.

There are several reasons why a person experiencing addiction should get help including because it is cheaper to get clean than to remain an addict. Also, it can save your life. Beating an addiction helps you keep your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues intact. Getting clean means you are being selfless because addiction affects more than just you. It has a negative impact on your community. The United States is also experiencing a homeless crisis. This crisis has roots in the increasing mental illness among the population; some of the current mental illness issues are caused by addiction.

The government leaders of Vermont have put in the effort into helping their residents who are in this precarious situation, so it would behoove anyone affected to take them up on this offer. Vermont officials have put together an integrated network of doctors and recovery centers. In 2015, 3,000 people were able to undergo treatment for addiction to alcohol or drugs in Chittenden County alone. To encourage residents to report overdoses, Good Samaritan laws were enacted. This assures that anyone who calls in an overdose will not face negative consequences. No questions besides vital information will be asked. The Opioid Overdose Prevention and Reversal Project is another program that was expected to be enacted. The goal is to help disperse naloxone, which reverses the effects of overdoses, to whomever needs it.

In addition to the publicly funded programs at your disposal, you also have private options available to you. Picking the best private rehabilitation center for your situation might take some research, so you can use the public options in Vermont as a launching pad in the meantime.

Types of Treatment Available

In Vermont, there are several short-term treatment options at your disposal, including:

  • Availability of naloxone
  • Supervised injection facilities for heroin users
  • Good Samaritan laws that encourage residents to call in overdoses

Those who require long-term solutions are encouraged to look into 30-day programs. 60- and 90-day programs are also offered by publicly funded and private rehabilitation centers.

The types of programs offered are:

  • Long-term residential treatment
  • Short-term residential treatment
  • Individualized drug counseling
  • Group counseling

Someone who is having difficulty beating his or her addiction is encouraged to get an evaluation at the least. An initial diagnosis puts the situation into perspective. It is not uncommon for a person to be in denial about his or her addiction. Understanding your starting point is key to picking the best program. The last thing anyone wants is to guide a patient in the wrong direction.

Some people simply need to meet with a professional who will listen or offer guidance once a week. Others do require an intensive inpatient program under the watchful eye of a medical staff around the clock.

Granite Recovery Centers

The reason why Green Mountain Treatment Center and New Freedom Academy are two examples of private rehabilitation facilities is thanks to the amenities, programs, and benefits they offer to patients. Centers such as these are in it to help patients detox, to improve their health, and to prepare them for sober lives.

Green Mountain Treatment Center offers:

  • Medical detox
  • 12-step-centered curriculum
  • Clinical modalities
  • Holistic therapies

In addition to:

  • Treatment for co-occurring mental disorders
  • Meditation and yoga
  • Nutritious chef-prepared meals
  • An on-site gym
  • Transportation as needed

Overcoming an addiction is a multi-step and factor process. The trained staff at Green Mountain Treatment Center is available around the clock. Plus, their caseloads are kept low so that every patient receives the care that he or she requires. The first goal is to understand how you began the disease. Then, a plan is developed that helps you work through any other underlying factors that could cause a relapse.

Once you have had time to collect your renewed sobriety, you attend classes. These classes give you the opportunity to re-learn how live without your substance of choice. You are also given tips on how to deal with situations that could trigger a relapse.

In a private rehab center, you have the time to walk through all these phases. The time gives you the opportunity to succeed. If you require more than 30 days, private centers often offer 60- and 90-day programs, too.

New Freedom Academy offers:

  • Clinical psychotherapeutic support
  • Holistic therapies
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Meditation and yoga
  • 24/7 on-site medical staff
  • A serene and secluded location

Another benefit a private rehab center such as this one offers is the location. New Freedom Academy is located in Canterbury, New Hampshire, near rolling hills. There are centers located along the coastlines, and there are others are tucked away in the countryside and in nature. Successful rehabilitation takes place away from the environment that caused you to fall into addiction. Medical studies show that nature has healing effects on humans, so being in these surroundings can accelerate your recuperation.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a drug or an alcohol use disorder, you can get help. Whether you seek help from a program in South Burlington or Vermont or just outside of either, going somewhere is a step in the right direction.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.