ClickCease Addiction Recovery Blog - Page 3 of 27 | Granite Recovery Centers | New Hampshire

addiction recovery blog

inpatient vs. outpatient rehab
addiction treatment center new hampshire
Granite Recovery Centers

Inpatient Rehab vs. Outpatient Rehab

The first step towards recovery is admitting to yourself that your substance use has become unmanageable and deciding to take back control. Following this acceptance

Reacting vs. Responding
addicted brain
Granite Recovery Centers

Reacting vs. Responding

React vs. Respond: Unconscious vs. Conscious When the brain is under tremendous pressure, such as experiencing addictive cravings, your emotions will run high. In addition,

how addiction hijacks the brain
addicted brain
Granite Recovery Centers

How Addiction Hijacks the Brain

Addiction and the Brain As with any human behavior, the brain plays a leading role in addiction. Chronic substance use alters the brain’s normal functioning,

Coping Skills

How Coping Skills Help with Addiction For individuals struggling with addiction, developing coping skills is crucial. Coping skills can help individuals manage their emotions, deal

What is Self-Care?

Self-Care Is An Inner Journey The choice to enter detox and rehab can be extremely difficult. It may have even been imposed upon you or

Does Alcohol Affect Women Differently?

How Alcohol Affects Women and Men Differently Alcohol misuse is the third-leading preventable cause of death in the United States, following only tobacco use and

The Progression from Painkillers to Heroin

How Addiction Can Progress From Prescription Painkillers to Heroin Opioid addiction is a public health crisis in America. Nearly 25% of Americans aged 12 or

Paying it Forward/Altruism

Why Altruism? Entering, embracing, and completing a recovery program is simultaneously challenging and rewarding. Individuals work hard to overcome substance or alcohol use disorders and