
The Dangers of Drinking on the Job

When you’re drinking on the job, you blur a line that’s challenging to come back from. It acknowledges that your powerlessness over the alcohol worsened. Besides that, it puts you in jeopardy of legal and financial consequences. However, there’s a way of dealing with the situation.

Admit That You Have a Problem

Whether you’re sneaking in the alcohol in a water bottle or have multiple drinks during lunch, it’ll cause problems. People notice when coworkers are drinking at work. Some might not say anything. Others may try to reach out to you.

It’s tempting to lie and say that you weren’t drinking on the job. But this is the wrong decision. Alcohol addiction is a disease. As such, it responds well to treatment and admitting that you need help is essential.

Dealing with Drinking on the Job

You don’t have to give up your position to get help. At the outpatient drug rehab center Salem, NH trusts, therapists routinely work with good people like you. You didn’t plan to have the alcohol cause an addiction. Maybe you just had a few drinks after work to relax.

Over time, the few drinks ballooned to multiple drinks. It got so bad that you couldn’t stop drinking. You woke up to withdrawal symptoms. To keep them at bay while working, you started drinking on the job.

You’re not the first person who deals with this issue. However, many others have found successful ways of quitting. Ending alcohol addiction is the only way of dealing with the situation.

Detox and Rehab Turn Things Around

Don’t wait for something bad to happen. Rather, get the help you need now. It starts with detoxification. Detox is the way to end a physical addiction.

Right now, you can’t envision waking up without the shakes. You know the headaches that accompany them too well. That said, therapists can show you a way of dealing with the situation. Medical detox helps you overcome cravings and physical discomfort. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

After about a week, you no longer have the shakes. Your body no longer demands alcohol. Now’s the right time for rehab. Stop drinking at work for good by learning to deal with triggers and stressors differently.

A therapist puts together a care protocol for you. Possible treatments include:

If drinking on the job threatens to derail your career and life, it’s time to make a change. At Granite Recovery Centers, our therapists help you overcome addiction. It’s possible to deal with alcohol dependency on an outpatient basis. Call (855) 712-7784 today and connect with an intake advisor.


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