
Connection in Recovery During COVID-19

2020 has been a completely different kind of year for many of us, most notably with the current Coronavirus pandemic. As we have been forced to adapt to the obstacles it has thrown our way, new routines have been established to try to maintain some semblance of normalcy and connection with one another. As it looks like this will be our reality for the foreseeable future, it seems prudent to check in and rehash some of the ways in which we can stay connected— particularly for those of us in sobriety.



We revisit the quote by Johann Hari, first said at a Ted Talk back in 2015.


“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection.”


Human connection is paramount, regardless of where a person is in their recovery. It provides comfort, relativity, and accountability. Sponsorship and fellowship are the building blocks of a strong foundation because they make a person feel less alone, and provide insight on how someone can tackle difficult problems that may arise.

With the constraints of social isolation restricting meetings from taking place in person, many are left to their own devices (literally and figuratively), and are unable to see people in their community to keep them from feeling alone. The isolation has leveled the playing field for cravings, triggers, and relapses to seek participants, willing or unwilling, so other forms of support must be sought and utilized. Using the resources we have available, we must connect in other ways and not lose the momentum of staying well and keeping up with our recovery.


Ways to Stay Tapped In

Without the face-to-face interactions we have found to be so instrumental in our recovery, here are some other ways we can stay connected with others.

  • Virtual meetings: Many fellowships, treatment centers, and independent recovery groups have been utilizing online platforms to conduct meetings. While it isn’t the same as being face-to-face, it has been helpful for many. You can even make your own cup of coffee to make it feel like a real AA meeting! Granite Recovery Centers hosts online recovery meetings on Zoom every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings. Check out our Facebook and Instagram platforms to grab the link (you can access through desktop, laptop, or by phone).
  • Sponsor: If you have a sponsor, try to stay connected with them. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or shakier than usual, ask if you can plan to speak more often than usual. If you don’t have a sponsor and are looking for one, reach out to other attendees in an online meeting and they can help link you up.
  • Journaling: Writing is therapeutic, and can be a good way to channel your inner thoughts. This holds particularly true for times of isolation when you might not be able to talk to friends, family, and coworkers like you normally do. If you aren’t too keen on journaling, consider writing a letter to a friend or relative. It helps to focus and organize your thoughts.
  • Hobbies: Think of a hobby or activity you used to enjoy when you were younger. Did you like painting or drawing? Puzzles or model airplane building? Whatever it is, try it out again. You might find that it has calming effects, or that it’s something you really love doing. If it really sticks with you, seek out online communities that share the same interest.
  • Staying Active: Even though some gyms have reopened, it’s not clear what the winter will bring. There are lots of videos online that can provide workout routines, yoga classes, and exercise regimens to keep you active. Those endorphins will help offset negative feelings that might be brought on by lack of social activity, and can ensure a better night’s sleep.
  • Alumni Support: If you or a loved one went through GRC, our alumni community is active and filled with people always willing to help.


We’re in this Together

Those of us in recovery know that change is important to grow. While it can be difficult and somewhat uncomfortable, it lends us the ability to roll with life on life’s terms, and adjust accordingly so we can take on anything. Staying vigilant in our recovery is top priority, and by utilizing some of these creative strategies, it will make the journey a lot easier.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and need someone to discuss it with, our Admissions specialists are available 24/7. Please give us a call today.

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Millions of people have changed their relationship with substances, cut back on how much they’re using, or stopped using altogether. You can too.

Everyone’s wellbeing journey is different. This website will help you find the resources, support, and community to create your own path. You may face challenges along the way, but combining the power of hope with practical guidance and tools, you’ll be taking steps towards better health.