
Rutland Alcohol Drug & Rehab Options

Rutland Alcohol Drug & Rehab Options

Rutland Addiction Treatment Resources

Rutland, Vermont, is like any other city in America in that drug addiction and alcoholism are rampant. Alcoholism and prescription drug use in the state of Vermont are a huge problem, but opiates are without question the biggest concern in the area. Heroin has exploded in Vermont over the last few years, which has caught many communities by complete shock. Many people are finding their loved ones now addicted to heroin or fentanyl, which is a prescription drug that has grown in massive proportions over the last few years. Fentanyl is one of the deadliest drugs around, and deaths have increased by over 30% in the state in recent years.

Drug Treatment Near Rutland

Drug addiction and alcoholism are far more prevalent than most people realize. You would be hard-pressed to find an individual who does not know a single person not suffering from substance use disorder, which is why addiction is truly an encompassing societal problem. Most people have family members who have been affected by this affliction at some point in their lives. The problem is extremely expansive.

Addiction may come in the form of someone who drinks each day when they get off work, or it could be someone who has accidentally gotten addicted to a medication that was prescribed to them by their doctor. Addiction comes in many forms and has many faces. Many people walk among us appearing completely normal in their appearance. At the same time, millions of people ravaged by addiction are living in the shadows, leading isolated and broken lives. As a society, we need to drop the stigma that is associated with addiction and offer people a helping hand.

When we look at addiction as a society, we tend to put the blame on the individual. We judge them for the way they are living their lives and deem that they are responsible for the decisions they are making every day. In reality, most of these people have simply been caught by a drug that they didn’t expect to take them over. No one wants to be addicted to the drug or alcohol that has taken over their lives. At one point, a person may have made a decision to start using drugs or alcohol, perhaps to seek a good time. Another person may simply be trying to find an escape from the trauma that they have suffered in their life. Regardless of the initial reasons why a person may choose to do drugs or alcohol in the first place, addicted individuals enter a place where they no longer have a choice. Realizing that you no longer have a choice to use is scary, but this is an experience that every substance user goes through at some point or another. Rehabilitation centers and anonymous programs work to help people reclaim their lives and take away the power that drugs have over them.

Getting Help

Addiction is not going to get better on its own. An addicted individual is not simply going to be able to turn off the addiction and get clean although many people are under the impression that they will be able to get their addiction under control. Thinking that the problem is manageable is why it can be so difficult to reach an addicted individual who thinks they are okay. As a person progresses in their addiction, their life will more than likely start to fall apart. An addicted person may lose their job, drop out of school, find themselves in trouble with the law or suffer serious injuries. They will likely lose friendships, burn bridges with people in their lives and become unhappy with themselves. Drug addiction and alcoholism tarnish lives to the point that anxiety, stress and depression start to become major hurdles.

If life problems are forcing a person to run to drugs and alcohol in the first place, they don’t have the tools to deal with said life problems. Expecting them to manifest these tools out of thin air and utilize them effectively while also giving up their drug habit at the same time is unrealistic. It becomes a vicious cycle that can be extremely hard to fix alone, which is why most people need to go to a recovery center to get back on track. In rehabilitation centers, addicted individuals get clean and learn tools to cope with life. In essence, an addicted individual has to get clean and learn to cope with stress before they can be expected to make the decision to put the drugs and alcohol down.

Families of Addicts and Alcoholics

Anyone who has a family member addicted to drugs or alcohol can tell you about the difficulties involved in this scenario. Families of those afflicted by addiction are routinely lied to and stolen from. They fall victim to the actions that their loved one takes while dealing with the stress that comes along with loving someone in this position.

Families need as much help as the addicted individuals themselves, which is why healing from addiction is a family ordeal. When a person gets clean and stays clean, the family often heals with them. It is for this reason that programs like Al-Anon exist, which are meetings that help friends and family members of alcohol abusers recover.

Getting a Patient Into Recovery

If you have a friend or family member who is struggling with an addiction or alcoholism, it is extremely important to get them the help they need. This can be far easier said than done as some addicted individuals are set in their ways and are actively defending their drug use. This may push family members to step back and avoid seeking help, but this is not a practical solution.

The reality is that if you make the decision to step back and let them engage in their behavior, they may not be around very long. Because of this urgency, it is important to take action to get them into recovery. If someone is combative and is completely unwilling to get help, you should consider talking to a rehabilitation center yourself. Addicted individuals need a push in the right direction in many cases, which is why you should consider getting assistance from a professional, who may guide you into talking to your loved one.

Treatment Options in Vermont and Surrounding Areas

If you are looking for a recovery center in the Rutland, Vermont, area, you should consider Green Mountain Treatment Center or New Freedom Academy. You want to find a recovery center that is both compassionate and successful at treating drug addiction and alcoholism. Both of these recovery centers provide individualized programs, which are absolutely essential for recovery. Each and every substance user is different, which means they are going to have to be treated in an individualized manner. This means getting to the root of their problems and really focusing on healing the specific ailments and afflictions that each person has suffered. For example, someone who is abusing alcohol because of emotional trauma from the past will need to have these issues addressed in order to stop drinking. Both Green Mountain Treatment Center and New Freedom Academy focus on individualized programs.

Benefits and Success of Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment is the best option for anyone who is attempting to get clean and sober. Inpatient programs involve a client living at the rehabilitation facility, which provides multiple advantages. There are outpatient programs as well, but these programs may not provide the best treatment for someone with a severe addiction. If a severely addicted individual is unsupervised at home, they have a much greater chance of relapsing.

Inpatient programs typically involve a detox program at the beginning of treatment, which may be essential when coming off drugs and alcohol. An inpatient program tends to have classes throughout the day, which help the person understand how to beat their addiction. These groups focus on educating substance users about the detriments that they are causing to themselves and others while at the same time building them up and giving them the tools they need to stay clean when they are out in the real world. Inpatient programs often integrate medication, which may be necessary when a person is coming off drugs and alcohol.

A client will typically see a doctor who is associated with the treatment center where they will be fully evaluated and treated. You can expect the client to participate in a 12-step program, which is the fundamental basis of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Recovery centers use this as a basis of their treatment because 12-step programs are seen as the most successful means of providing addicted individuals with long-term sobriety. Furthermore, inpatient programs have clients go to meetings outside of the center to get them involved in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Having these connections and using this as a means for establishing a community around recovery is crucial to staying clean. Recovery centers help addicted individuals and alcoholics get clean while also giving them a community that they can belong to for life.

Granite Recovery Centers

New Freedom Academy is located in Canterbury, NH. The recovery center is located in the countryside on 17 acres of serene property, which is the perfect environment to get sober. New Freedom Academy has 20 beds, which means it is a lower occupancy facility than most, to provide an intimate setting with more individual detail to each client. Large rehabilitation facilities can make it harder to get individualized help, which is why New Freedom Academy is a great option. This facility also has fun recreation, including activities such as paintball, bowling and mini-golf outings. The center has chef-prepared meals for clients and provides a compassionate and loving environment for patients to get clean.

Green Mountain Treatment Center is a residential program located in Effingham, NH. The landscape is breathtaking, and the treatment that patients receive at the facility is outstanding. Green Mountain also has chef-prepared meals for clients and an onsite gym, which is a huge plus for anyone who is giving up drugs and alcohol as hitting the gym can be a great outlet. Meditation and yoga are both available at this recovery center, and transportation is provided for clients as well.

Seeking rehabilitation in a new area can be extremely advantageous, which is why it may be a good idea to head to one of these rehabilitation centers in New Hampshire even if you are living in Rutland. A scenery change can help the process of getting sober, and this allows an addicted individual to get away from the areas where they used in the first place. Furthermore, the landscape is beautiful at both of these recovery centers, which can help to ease the struggles that a new person in recovery may be experiencing.

Far too many people wait until it is too late, so act now if you are someone who needs help with addiction or you have a family member who is struggling.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.