
Inpatient Rehab Center Burlington VT

Inpatient Rehab Center Burlington VT

Rehab takes patients from a life of substance abuse towards a lifetime of recovery. Recovery is an intense process in all three stages: detoxification, rehabilitation, and sobriety. That’s why we offer an inpatient rehab center in Burlington, VT, to give you the support you need to succeed.

Our inpatient rehab program in Burlington, VT, monitors you 24/7 to help you get and stay sober.  Inpatient programs treat both the physical and psychological symptoms of substance abuse disorders. Treatment at our centers includes traditional and holistic methods, including our yoga therapy program in New Hampshire.

Medical Detox For Residents

Medical detox allows clients to stop using substances under the supervision of a trained medical professional. We monitor clients who either cannot stop using on their own or who pose a physical risk to themselves by stopping suddenly. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Multiple factors determine the nature and length of your medical detox in our inpatient rehab center including:

  • Type of substance(s) used
  • Tolerance (how much the patient uses)
  • Amount of time since last use
  • Presence of other medications
  • Dual diagnosis of dependency and mental illness

Unlike other programs, our inpatient rehab center in Burlington, VT, offers a full continuum of care. In our inpatient rehab program in Burlington, VT, we help you determine your next steps after detox. 

Rules At Our Inpatient Rehab Center in Burlington, VT

Residential rehab generally runs from 30-90 days and asks you to adhere to a structured schedule to aid their recovery. The daily agenda includes individual and group therapy, exercise, chores, and study. As you advance through our inpatient rehab program in Burlington, VT, you earn freedoms. Basic rules at our inpatient rehab center in Burlington, VT, include:

  • No drug or alcohol use
  • No romantic relationships
  • Attendance at all meetings and therapy sessions
  • Completion of basic chores
  • No cellphones

Evidence-Based Therapies

Rehab facilities vary in which broad approaches and specific therapies they use to help patients recover. Our inpatient rehab center in Burlington, VT, uses both individual and group sessions to help you. The types of therapy offered in our inpatient rehab program in Burlington, VT, include:

Abstinence vs. Harm Reduction At Our Inpatient Rehab Center in Burlington, VT

Inpatient rehab programs take one of two approaches: abstinence or harm reduction. Abstinence, as the name suggests, requires you to swear off drugs and alcohol entirely without exception. Harm reduction substitutes pharmaceuticals like Suboxone for drugs like fentanyl or heroin to wean the client off the harder substance. Some harm reduction clients use the new replacement drug permanently.

In our inpatient rehab program in Burlington, VT, we create a treatment plan drawing from both approaches.  

Goal-Setting and Discharge Planning

In our centers, professionals work with you to identify issues, implement treatment, chart progress, and set goals. Based on your progress, our team will determine whether or not you should continue residential treatment. 

When you leave our inpatient rehab center in Burlington, VT,  you will have one of three options. You may enter extended care or sober living facility or our Intensive Outpatient Program.

Paying For Our Inpatient Rehab Center In Burlington, VT

In 2016, the Burlington County Times estimated the average cost for a patient with an opioid dependency was around $16,000. Multiple factors impact the cost of rehab. Factors include the state, the length of your stay, whether or not you received medical detox, and the amenities.

Insurance also plays a role in accessing treatment. Many facilities, including our inpatient rehab program in Burlington, VT, accept multiple insurance providers. Our list of insurance providers includes:

  • AllWays Health Partners (formerly Neighborhood Health Plan of MA)
  • Anthem
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield
  • Tufts Health Plan
  • Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare
  • Optum
  • United Healthcare
  • United Behavioral Health
  • Health Plan

Addiction Treatment at Granite Recovery Centers

Real People. Real Recovery.™ It’s not merely some catchy tagline. All four members of our rehab admissions team at Granite Recovery Centers have been in your shoes. Real recovery takes hard work. A genuine desire for purpose upends your prior desire to self-destruct. 

If you’re ready to recover at our inpatient rehab center in Burlington, VT, we’re ready to help. Your path to sobriety can begin today — call us at (855) 712-7784. 



If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.